HTML/CSS Playlist[English] HTML/CSS Playlist[hindi]
[Project] How to build a Beautiful Blog
[Optional] CSS Frameworks: TAILWIND or Bootstrap 5
Javascript Playlist[english] Javascript Playlist[hindi]
Highly recommended beginners projects javascript30.com
[Projects] https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNCevxogE3fgy0pAzVccadWKaQp9iHspz
- JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts
- ES6 JavaScript Tutorial for Beginners
- Introduction to ES6
- ES6 (Video Tutorial)
- ES6 (Freecodecamp)
- Docs from reactjs.org
- React for Beginners(Video Tutorial)
- Redux Documentation
- Redux Crash Course
- Complete React & Redux Playlist
- Fetch API Introduction
- Basic AJAX Project[english] Basic AJAX Project[hindi]
You need to learn JavaScript first (using the path given above)
[Node.js Beginners Playlist] Playlist 1 Playlist 2
Start with learnyounode workshopper - https://nodeschool.io/
MDN Node/Express (go through all the tutorials)
Node.js RESTful API crash course 7.Node.js RESTful API Playlist
- Express Docs (go through all the guides)
- Official docs are very good. Find them here: - http://flask.pocoo.org/
- Flask Playlist
Chapter 1(The IoC container) from here
NOTE - avoid XML based bean configuration as it is outdated and study annotation based bean configuration only.
For dealing with REST APIs in spring: a. RestTemplate b. WebClient