This is LEAPWORK plugin for Teamcity
LEAPWORK is a mighty automation testing system and now it can be used for running [smoke, functional, acceptance] tests, generating reports and a lot more in Teamcity. You can easily configure integration directly in Teamcity enjoying UI friendly configuration page with easy connection and test suites selection.
- Setup and test LEAPWORK connection in few clicks
- Run automated tests in your Teamcity build tasks
- Automatically receive test results
- Build status based tests results
- Write tests trace to build output log
- Smart UI
- Use maven.
- Command: mvn package
- Or simply install zip-file from the "target" folder: Copy the zip plugin package into the {TeamCity Data Directory}/plugins directory (Default path: C:\ProgramData\JetBrains\TeamCity\plugins).
- If you have an earlier version of the plugin in the directory, remove it.
- Alternatively, use the Administration -> Plugins List -> Upload plugin zip -> Choose File -> Choose that zip-file -> Press Upload plugin zip
- For LEAPWORK version 2018.2.301
- Fixed bug when schedules are executing in non-ordered way.
- Now it is possible to insert a list of schedules to "Schedule Names" text box. List of names must be new line or comma separated. Be noticed that by clicking on any checkbox with schedule to select, using "Select Schedules" button, all non-existing or disabled schedules will be removed from "Schedule names" text box.
- Added "Schedule variables" non-mandatory field. Schedule variables must be listed in "key : value" way and separated by new line or comma. Be noticed that all the schedules will be run with this list of variables.
- Boolean field "leapworkWritePassedFlowKeyFrames" is not mandatory anymore.
- Add Build-Step "Leapwork Integration" to your project.
- Enter your LEAPWORK controller hostname or IP-address something like "win10-agent20" or "localhost".
- Enter your LEAPWORK controller API port, by default it is 9001.
- Enter time delay in seconds. When schedule is run, plugin will wait this time before trying to get schedule state. If schedule is still running, plugin will wait this time again. By default this value is 5 seconds.
- Select how plugin should set "Done" status value: to Success or Failed.
- Press button "Select Schedules" to get a list of all available schedules. Select schedules you want to run.
- Run your project and get results. Enjoy!
- If you catch an error "No such run [runId]!" after schedule starting, increase time delay parameter.