An arduino displayer controlled by a mobile application with bluetooth
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The led matric I used: Matrice Led MAX7219.
Branches names should look like this:
The id of the issue the branch is created for work on
The name of the branch this branch will be merged to (and often is created from)
It is often the 'category' of the work
The summary of the issue the branch is created for
Commits should look like this:
<type>([scope]): <description> [#<issue-number>]
The type if the classification of the modification you are commiting
For example, if you are adding a new functionality it will be feat
If you are solving a bug it will be fix
Here is a list of type
: adding of a new functionality / new libraryfix
: Resolving a problem (bug, wrong display)doc
: Adding new documentationrefact
: Refacting a part of code / all the codetest
: Adding testsimprovement
: Upgrading an existing functionality
The scope is optionnal, it's an indication of the part of code / functionality your commiting into
For exemple, if your adding a ci you can use: feat(ci)
The description is a brief text that describe what you are committing
The issue number allow to link your commit to an issue
It also on what part of the code your working
The body is an optionnal additionnal information to add supports (links, images, ...)
Or just describe in details the problem you are fixing / you find
feat(language): Adding of the russian language #14
Adding the russian option for the translation of the home page
fix(keyboard): Removing the blinking effect when pressing keys #54
test(authentication): Adding full test on the authentication