Validation of CSV file against user defined schema (returns back object with data and invalid messages)
npm install --save csv-file-validator
yarn add csv-file-validator --save
import CSVFileValidator from 'csv-file-validator'
CSVFileValidator(file, config)
.then(csvData => { // Array of objects from file
csvData.inValidMessages // Array of error messages
.catch(err => {})
Please see Demo for more details /demo/index.html
returns the Promise
Type: File
.csv file
Type: Object
Config object should contain headers array, array of row header (title) objects
const config = {
headers: []
Type: String
name of the row header (title)
Type: String
key name which will be return with value in a column
Type: Boolean
Makes column optional. If true column value will be return
Type: Function
If a header name is omitted or is not the same as in config name headerError function will be called with arguments headerName
Type: Boolean
If required is true than a column value will be checked if it is not empty
Type: Function
If value is empty requiredError function will be called with arguments headerName, rowNumber, columnNumber
Type: Boolean
If it is true all header (title) column values will be checked for uniqueness
Type: Function
If one of the header value is not unique uniqueError function will be called with argument headerName
Type: Function
Validate column value. As an argument column value will be passed For e.g.
function(email) {
return isEmailValid(email)
Type: Function
If validate returns false validateError function will be called with arguments headerName, rowNumber, columnNumber
Type: Boolean
If column contains list of values separated by comma in return object it will be as an array
const config = {
headers: [
name: 'First Name',
inputName: 'firstName',
required: true,
requiredError: function (headerName, rowNumber, columnNumber) {
return `${headerName} is required in the ${rowNumber} row / ${columnNumber} column`
name: 'Last Name',
inputName: 'lastName',
required: false
name: 'Email',
inputName: 'email',
unique: true,
uniqueError: function (headerName) {
return `${headerName} is not unique`
validate: function(email) {
return isEmailValid(email)
validateError: function (headerName, rowNumber, columnNumber) {
return `${headerName} is not valid in the ${rowNumber} row / ${columnNumber} column`
name: 'Roles',
inputName: 'roles',
isArray: true
name: 'Country',
inputName: 'country',
optional: true
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MIT © Vasyl Stokolosa