web application project made with love with:
- spring boot
- Angular
- MariaDb
- admin@polito.it pwd
- d123456@polito.it pwd
- s263138@studenti.polito.it pwd
- s263094@studenti.polito.it pwd
- s255300@studenti.polito.it pwd
You can just run the app (frontend,backend and db) just type in root folder (this will download prebuilded images):
docker-compose up
Or build from scratch
docker-compose build --no-cache
docker-compose up
to shutdown:
docker-compose down
to rebuild and then execute:
docker-compose up --build
the buil process might be very slower (around 5-7 mins) because the containers build both frontend and backend.
the frontend will be exposed at http://localhost:80/ server api at http://localhost:8080/api/
this docker-compose yml contains 3 microservices:
- nginx (for serving frontend static file and proxy api request to spring)
- spring
- mariadb
usefull command:
docker-compose up -d --force-recreate
docker-compose down --rmi all
make a folder in db folder called db_data, this will be the shared volume with db container. go in db folder and run:
docker-compose up
(remember there are a volume attached to db container db_data
folder )
after db is running,load project in clion, sync project,build,then run (you can use Maven to clean project).
if is the first time you load application go in client folder,then run:
npm install
for run :
ng serve