Mechatronics engineer with strong software background, I’m excited to keep learning and contribute to all the amazing advances in cross-functional engineering, such as robotics, automation, or embedded systems
🌱 Currently focused on 🇨🇦 Startup networking, so you may find GitHub a little forgotten.
🤝 I’m invested in learning from diverse backgrounds, a lot of ☕️ chats going on.
🔭 One of my last projects was a small GPT_Cover_Letter_Generator. For us to land our first eng role in 🇨🇦.
👨💻 Most of my projects are available at
💬 Talk to me about Entrepreneurship, startups, and tech building-the-future-innovation
📫 How to reach me
📄 Know about my experiences
⚡ Fun fact I love dogs, at the end of this document you'll find a photo of mine
Here a picture of my doggo in Mex: