Explore my machine learning projects on Kaggle, where I apply various algorithms and techniques.
- Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
- Generalized Linear Model (GLM): Accuracy = 94%
- Random Forest (RF): Accuracy = 98.32%
- Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
- Item-Based Collaborative Filtering (IB_CF): Implemented with dummies [ALL_ids]
- Hybrid Collaborative Filtering (Hybrid_CF): Applied to [1000_ids]
- Linear Model (LM) with Lasso: RMSE = 0.16370
- Random Forest (RF): RMSE = 0.15591
- Gradient Boosting (GB): RMSE = 0.14144
- Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
- Prophet with Regressors: RMSE = 0.43745
- ARIMA with Regressors: RMSE = 0.45330
- CatBoost with Fourier Series: RMSE = 0.51673
- XGBoost Classifier with Streamlit UI
- TensorFlow Model with Isomap and JS Encoder: k-fold mean RMSE = 0.06534