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File metadata and controls

106 lines (97 loc) · 31.3 KB


We have snippets created for the following languages and SDKs: Java, .NET, Node.js, Python, Go, Ottoman, Spring Data, and Typescript.

When using the snippets for Spring Data the prefixes are different, they begin with @cbsd, rather than @cb. This is due to Spring Data and Java sharing the same file extensions.

The snippets for ottoman are listed at the bottom of this page. Due to how development is done using ottoman we required a different set of snippets to the rest of the supported languages. They also begin with @cbot, rather than @cb. This is due to Ottoman and Node.js sharing the same file extensions.

Java, .NET, Node/TS, Python, Go

Category Name Shortcut Description Java Docs .NET Docs Node/TS Docs Python Docs Go Docs
Connect to Cluster @cbcon Connect to a cluster and get a refernece to it, a bucket, and a collection Y Y Y Y Y
Connect to Cluser with TLS @cbcontls Connect to a cluster using TLS and get a reference to it, a bucket, and a collection. Y Y Y Y Y
Connect to Cluster with DNS SRV @cbcondns Connect to a cluster using DNS SRV and get a reference to it, a bucket, and a collection. Y Y Y Y Y
KV Ops
Import @cbkvimp Import all necessary KV namespace. Y Y Y Y Y
Example @cbkvex Example code that shows: inserting, upserting, getting, replacing, and removing a document. Along with all required imports. Y Y Y Y Y
Insert @cbins Insert a document into a collection. Y Y Y Y Y
Upsert @cbups Upsert a document to a collection. Y Y Y Y Y
Replace @cbrep Replace a document in a collection. Y Y Y Y Y
Get @cbget Use a key to get a document from a collection. Y Y Y Y Y
Remove @cbrem Use a key to remove a document from a collection. Y Y Y Y Y
Transcoder @cbtranscoder Example code that shows how to use a RawJSONTranscoder on an upsert operation. Y Y Y Y Y
Document Expiry @cbsetexp Use Document Expiration Y Y Y Y Y
Subdocument Ops
Get Value @cbsubget Get or check the existence of a sub document value by providing document key and path. Y Y Y Y Y
Upsert Value @cbsubups Modify the value of an existing path or create it if it does not exist. Y Y Y Y Y
Insert Value @cbsubins Add a new value to a path that does not exist. Y Y Y Y Y
Remove @cbsubrem Remove the value of an existing path. Y Y Y Y Y
Array Operations @cbsubarr Example code showing different array operations. Y Y Y Y Y
Array Append @cbsubarrapp Append a value to an existing array in a document. Y Y Y Y Y
Array Prepend @cbsubarrpre Prepend a value to an existing array in a document. Y Y Y Y Y
Array Add Unique @cbsubarradd Treat an existing array like a unique set and add a value. Y Y Y Y Y
Array Insert At @cbsubarrins Insert a new element into an array at a specific position. Y Y Y Y Y
Query Service
Import @cbqimp Import all necessary query namespaces Y Y Y Y Y
Example @cbqex Example code that shows connecting to a cluster and running a query on it. Y Y Y Y Y
Simple Select Query @cbq Use SQL++ to Query the Couchbase Cluster. Y Y Y Y Y
Parameterized Query @cbqparam Use parameterised SQL++ to query the Couchbase Cluster. Y Y Y Y Y
SQL++ Query With All Options @cbqopts Use SQL++ to Query the Couchbase Cluster, this has all options available. Y Y Y Y Y
Using FTS with Query @cbqfts Use SQL++ to query the Couchbase Cluster with full text search. Y Y Y Y Y
Analytics Service
Import @cbanimp Import all necessary Analytics namespaces. Y Y Y Y Y
Example @cbanex Example code that shows connecting to a cluster and running an analytics query on it. Y Y Y Y Y
Analytics Simple Select @cbanq Use SQL++ to Query the Analytics Service on the Couchbase Cluster. Y Y Y Y Y
Parameterized Query @cbanparamq Use SQL++ to Query the Analytics Service on the Couchbase Cluster, this uses parameters. Y Y Y Y Y
Search Service
Import @cbftsimp Import all necessary FTS namespaces Y Y Y Y Y
Example @cbftsex Example code that shows connecting to a cluster and running an FTS query on it. Y Y Y Y Y
Search Query @cbfts Use a query string on the Full Text Search Service of your Couchbase Cluster. Y Y Y Y Y
Search Query With All Options @cbftsopts Create a FTS query that has all options shown to you. Y Y Y Y Y
Management API
Collection Manager @cbcolman Connect to a cluster, and create a collection manager. Y Y Y Y Y
Create a Collection @cbcrcol Create a new collection, this will create a new collection manager. Y Y Y Y Y
Create a Collection Reference @cbcol Create a reference to an existing collection. Y Y Y Y Y
Create a Scope @cbcrscope Create a new scope, this will create a new collection manager. Y Y Y Y Y
Create a Bucket @cbcrbuck Create a new bucket on an existing cluster reference. Y Y Y Y Y
Create a Bucket Reference @cbbuck Create a reference to an existing bucket. Y Y Y Y Y
Create an Index @cbcrindex Create a new index, this will create a new index manager. Y Y Y Y Y
Create a User @cbupsuser Add a user to your Couchbase Cluster. Y Y Y Y Y
Example @cbcolman Example code that shows connecting to a cluster and running a transaction on it. Y Y Y N Y
Insert Transaction @cbcrcol Perform an insertion transaction Y Y Y N Y
Get Transaction @cbcol Perform a get transaction Y Y Y N Y
Replace Transaction @cbcrscope Perform a replace transaction Y Y Y N Y
Remove Transaction @cbcrbuck Perform a remove transaction Y Y Y N Y
Import @cbbuck Import all necessary transaction namespaces. Y Y Y N Y


Category Name Shortcut Description
Connect to Cluster @cbcon Connect to a cluster and get a reference to it, a bucket, and a collection.
Connect to Cluster With TLS @cbcontls Connect to a cluster using TLS and get a reference to it, a bucket, and a collection.
Model Operations
Create Many @cbotcm Upsert multiple documents to the cluster
Create @cbotc Upsert a document to the cluster
Find @cbotf Find documents based on a filter
Find with Ignore Case @cbotfig Find documents based on a filter with the option to ignore case
Find with Limit @cbotlim Find documents based on a filter, while using a limit
Find with Select @cbotfsel Find documents and select fields
Find by ID @cbotfid Find a document using its ID
Find by ID with Select @cbotfidsel Find a document using its ID and select fields
Remove Many @cbotrm Remove many documents
Remove by ID @cbotrmid Remove a document using its ID
Update by ID @cbotupdid Update a document using its ID
Replace by ID @cbotrepid Replace a document using its ID
Find One @cbotfone Find one document with a filter
Find One with Select Fields @cbotfonesel Find one document with a filter and select fields
Upsert @cbotups Upsert a document using Model.findOneAndUpdate
Find and Populate @cbotfpop Find a document and populate nested documents
Update Many @cbotupdm Update all documents matching the given condition
Query @cbotq Query your couchbase cluster
Create Index @cbotind Generate an Index on your schema
Create N1QL Index with Options @cbotnqlind Generate an SQL++ Index on your schema
Generate Model and Schema @cbotgenmodel Generate a model, a schema, and an SQL++ index
Generate Schema @cbotschema Generate a schema
Generate Model @cbotmodel Generate a model
Model Field @cbotfield Generate a model field
Model Field with all Options @cbotfieldopts Generate a model field with common options shown