Taking control of Prescriptions - scheduling - tracking symptoms
- drug interaction
- Doctors View
Adding Drugs: - Drug Name - Start Date - Expiration Date (optional) - End Date - Quantity (for refill reminder) - Instructions - Dosage - Refills Allowed - Scheduling Component - Symptoms to Track (optional) - Doctor
Scheduling: - Setting schedule - ongoing use - daily, morning/afternoon/evening, weekly - as needed - reminder on when it is ok to take next - Connect to Calendar - Refill reminder
Tracking Symptoms: - Enter Symptoms: - 1-5 scale - text 140 - pictures - Render symptom view - scale is graph - text is log - pictures
Data: Accounts Name | Password (OAUTH)
Drugs Name | API INFO
Prescriptions (join table) AccountID | name | Dosage | Instructions | Quantity | units | refills | Doctor
Schedule prescription_id | Start Date (default to today) | End Date | | Expiration Date | Frequency (daily, weekly, monthly) | Hours | Weekdays | monthDays
or CronJobs
Symptoms PrescriptionID | Name
Symptom Log SymptomsID | Rating | Description | timeStamp
SymptomLogImage join symptomLogID | PictureID
possible picture table file name | publicID | url
if start date is in the past: quantity is total prompt for how many have taken save quantity as leftover don’t set past reminders
if daily Hours Component Save hours as array if weekly Days Component save days in array Hours Component save hours of day if monthly Weekly Component save weeks in array
Add link to calendar for Symptom