NOTE: This music player is still currently under development and only supports basic functionalities.
No. | Function Name |
1 | Play/Pause |
2 | Next/Previous Track |
3 | Shuffle/Repeat Track (Not implemented yet) |
4 | Volume Adjustment with mute toggle |
5 | Open File/Folder |
6 | Playlist Panel |
7 | Music Progress Bar (Not implemented yet) |
8 | Track Duration (Not implemented yet) |
9 | Album Art (Not implemented yet) |
# Clone repository
git clone
# Change directory to the cloned repository
cd Kordz
# Install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Implement repeat feature
- Implement a progress bar for active track
- Place a default album art when program first start
- Place an album art next to playlist. If only a file is selected but does not have an album art, then use the default album art