This Update v1.0.1 focuses on Bugfixes and New Content
- Fixed Milestones Bug where Paulaner does not spawn since Milestone 0 never gets triggered
- Fixed Day & Night Cycle
- Fixed Visual Bug where Power Up Texts Overlap when Double Points and Invincibilty Power Up are active
- Added "1 Credit. Press to play" arcade alike flashing text in the Title Screen (Inspired by: Sega Golden Gun)
- ADDED THE URGENT DISCLAIMER TO DRINK RESPONSIBLY: I dont want people to start drinking because of my shitpost game!
Milestones (one milestone is 100 points)
- Unlock BitBurger Beer at Milestone 5 (500 points)
- Each 100 score Milestone increasses the chance for a power up to appear by +0,01% (capped at 2%)