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Bump copilot submodule to 3.18.1
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`copilot-language-3.18` deprecates the `forall` function in favor of `forAll`,
so also update any uses of the former to the latter.
  • Loading branch information
RyanGlScott committed Jan 8, 2024
1 parent 75a7c06 commit b399ebc
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Showing 17 changed files with 31 additions and 31 deletions.
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions copilot-verifier/copilot-verifier.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,13 +28,13 @@ common bldflags
bv-sized >= 1.0.0 && < 1.1,
containers >=,
copilot >= 3.17,
copilot-c99 >= 3.17,
copilot-core >= 3.17,
copilot-libraries >= 3.17,
copilot-language >= 3.17,
copilot-prettyprinter >= 3.17,
copilot-theorem >= 3.17,
copilot >= 3.18,
copilot-c99 >= 3.18,
copilot-core >= 3.18,
copilot-libraries >= 3.18,
copilot-language >= 3.18,
copilot-prettyprinter >= 3.18,
copilot-theorem >= 3.18,
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ spec = do
let stream :: Stream Int32
stream = extern "stream" Nothing

_ <- prop "notIntMin" (forall (stream > constI32 minBound))
_ <- prop "notIntMin" (forAll (stream > constI32 minBound))
trigger "streamAbs" (abs stream == 1) [arg stream]

verifySpec :: Verbosity -> IO ()
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ spec = do
let stream :: Stream Int32
stream = extern "stream" Nothing

_ <- prop "notIntMax" (forall (stream < constI32 maxBound))
_ <- prop "notIntMax" (forAll (stream < constI32 maxBound))
trigger "streamAddSigned" ((stream + 1) == 1) [arg stream]

verifySpec :: Verbosity -> IO ()
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ spec = do
let stream :: Stream Int16
stream = extern "stream" Nothing

_ <- prop "nonzero" (forall (stream /= 0))
_ <- prop "nonzero" (forAll (stream /= 0))
trigger "streamDiv" ((stream `div` stream) == 1) [arg stream]

verifySpec :: Verbosity -> IO ()
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ spec = do
stream2 :: Stream Word32
stream2 = extern "stream2" Nothing

_ <- prop "withinBounds" (forall (stream2 < constW32 2))
_ <- prop "withinBounds" (forAll (stream2 < constW32 2))
trigger "streamIndex" ((stream1 .!! stream2) == 1) [arg stream1, arg stream2]

verifySpec :: Verbosity -> IO ()
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ spec = do
let stream :: Stream Int16
stream = extern "stream" Nothing

_ <- prop "nonzero" (forall (stream /= 0))
_ <- prop "nonzero" (forAll (stream /= 0))
trigger "streamMod" ((stream `mod` stream) == 1) [arg stream]

verifySpec :: Verbosity -> IO ()
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ spec = do
let stream :: Stream Int32
stream = extern "stream" Nothing

_ <- prop "withinRange" (forall
_ <- prop "withinRange" (forAll
(constI32 ((minBound P.+ 1) P.* 2) < stream
&& stream < constI32 ((maxBound P.- 1) `P.div` 2)))
trigger "streamMulSigned" ((stream * 2) == 2) [arg stream]
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ spec = do
stream2 :: Stream Int64
stream2 = extern "stream2" Nothing

_ <- prop "lessThanBitWidth" (forall
_ <- prop "lessThanBitWidth" (forAll
(constI64 0 <= stream2 && stream2 < constI64 32))
trigger "streamShiftL" ((stream1 .<<. stream2) == 1) [arg stream1, arg stream2]

Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ spec = do
stream2 :: Stream Int64
stream2 = extern "stream2" Nothing

_ <- prop "lessThanBitWidth" (forall
_ <- prop "lessThanBitWidth" (forAll
(constI64 0 <= stream2 && stream2 < constI64 32))
trigger "streamShiftR" ((stream1 .<<. stream2) == 1) [arg stream1, arg stream2]

Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ spec = do
let stream :: Stream Int32
stream = extern "stream" Nothing

_ <- prop "notIntMin" (forall (stream > constI32 minBound))
_ <- prop "notIntMin" (forAll (stream > constI32 minBound))
trigger "streamSubSigned" ((stream - 1) == 1) [arg stream]

verifySpec :: Verbosity -> IO ()
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ lastPrime = 31

multRingSpec :: Spec
multRingSpec = do
_ <- prop "clamp nonzero" (forall ((clamp > 0) && (clamp < lastPrime)))
_ <- prop "reduced" (forall (acc < lastPrime))
_ <- prop "nonzero" (forall (acc > 0 && (acc < lastPrime)))
_ <- prop "clamp nonzero" (forAll ((clamp > 0) && (clamp < lastPrime)))
_ <- prop "reduced" (forAll (acc < lastPrime))
_ <- prop "nonzero" (forAll (acc > 0 && (acc < lastPrime)))

trigger "outofrange" (not (acc > 0 && acc < lastPrime)) [arg acc]

Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ spec :: Spec
spec = do
observer "clk" clkStream
observer "clk'" clkStream'
_ <- prop "clksPhase" (forall (clkStream == drop 2 clkStream'))
_ <- prop "clksDistinct" (forall (not (clkStream && clkStream')))
_ <- prop "clksPhase" (forAll (clkStream == drop 2 clkStream'))
_ <- prop "clksDistinct" (forAll (not (clkStream && clkStream')))
trigger "clksHigh" (clkStream && clkStream') []

Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ bytecounter2 = counter true ([False] ++ bytecounter2 == 255)

spec :: Spec
spec =
do _ <- prop "range" (forall (bytecounter == unsafeCast (resetcounter `mod` 256)))
_ <- prop "range2" (forall (0 <= bytecounter2 && bytecounter2 <= 255))
_ <- prop "same" (forall ((0 <= bytecounter2 && bytecounter2 <= 255) &&
do _ <- prop "range" (forAll (bytecounter == unsafeCast (resetcounter `mod` 256)))
_ <- prop "range2" (forAll (0 <= bytecounter2 && bytecounter2 <= 255))
_ <- prop "same" (forAll ((0 <= bytecounter2 && bytecounter2 <= 255) &&
(bytecounter == unsafeCast (resetcounter `mod` 256)) &&
(bytecounter == bytecounter2)))
trigger "counter" true [arg $ bytecounter, arg $ bytecounter2]
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ spec = do
shiftBy :: Stream Int16
shiftBy = extern "shiftBy" Nothing

_ <- prop "nonzero" (forall (stream /= 0))
_ <- prop "shiftByBits" (forall (0 <= shiftBy && shiftBy < 16))
_ <- prop "nonzero" (forAll (stream /= 0))
_ <- prop "shiftByBits" (forAll (0 <= shiftBy && shiftBy < 16))

triggerOp1 "abs" abs stream
triggerOp1 "signum" signum stream
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -60,12 +60,12 @@ spec = do

-- Check equality, indexing into nested structs and arrays. Note that this is
-- trivial by equality.
void $ prop "Example 1" $ forall $
void $ prop "Example 1" $ forAll $
(((battery#volts) .!! 0)#numVolts) == (((battery#volts) .!! 0)#numVolts)

-- Same as previous example, but get a different array index (so should be
-- false).
void $ prop "Example 2" $ forall $
void $ prop "Example 2" $ forAll $
(((battery#other) .!! 2) .!! 3) == (((battery#other) .!! 2) .!! 4)

-- Same as previous example, but in trigger form
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -170,8 +170,8 @@ horizontalWCV tvar s v =
(((dcpa s v) <= dthr) && (0 <= (tvar s v)) && ((tvar s v) <= tthr))

spec = do
Monad.void $ prop "1a" (forall $ (tau s v) ~= (tau (neg s) (neg v)))
-- Monad.void $ prop "3d" (forall $ (wcv tep s sz v vz) == (wcv tep (neg s) (-sz) (neg v) (-vz)))
Monad.void $ prop "1a" (forAll $ (tau s v) ~= (tau (neg s) (neg v)))
-- Monad.void $ prop "3d" (forAll $ (wcv tep s sz v vz) == (wcv tep (neg s) (-sz) (neg v) (-vz)))
trigger "well_clear_violation" (wcv tep s sz v vz) []

verifySpec :: Verbosity -> IO ()
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion deps/copilot
Submodule copilot updated 45 files
+22 −2 .travis.yml
+10 −0 copilot-c99/CHANGELOG
+4 −4 copilot-c99/copilot-c99.cabal
+40 −33 copilot-c99/src/Copilot/Compile/C99/CodeGen.hs
+15 −4 copilot-c99/src/Copilot/Compile/C99/Compile.hs
+33 −9 copilot-c99/tests/Test/Copilot/Compile/C99.hs
+6 −0 copilot-core/CHANGELOG
+1 −1 copilot-core/copilot-core.cabal
+6 −0 copilot-interpreter/CHANGELOG
+2 −2 copilot-interpreter/copilot-interpreter.cabal
+8 −0 copilot-language/CHANGELOG
+4 −4 copilot-language/copilot-language.cabal
+1 −0 copilot-language/src/Copilot/Language.hs
+7 −1 copilot-language/src/Copilot/Language/Spec.hs
+6 −2 copilot-language/tests/Test/Copilot/Language/Reify.hs
+8 −0 copilot-libraries/CHANGELOG
+33 −2 copilot-libraries/copilot-libraries.cabal
+18 −0 copilot-libraries/tests/Main.hs
+72 −0 copilot-libraries/tests/Test/Copilot/Library/PTLTL.hs
+556 −0 copilot-libraries/tests/Test/Extra.hs
+6 −0 copilot-prettyprinter/CHANGELOG
+2 −2 copilot-prettyprinter/copilot-prettyprinter.cabal
+9 −0 copilot-theorem/CHANGELOG
+31 −3 copilot-theorem/copilot-theorem.cabal
+3 −3 copilot-theorem/examples/BoyerMoore.hs
+2 −2 copilot-theorem/examples/Grey.hs
+3 −3 copilot-theorem/examples/Incr.hs
+2 −2 copilot-theorem/examples/SerialBoyerMoore.hs
+18 −18 copilot-theorem/examples/SphericalWCV.hs
+15 −15 copilot-theorem/examples/Trig.hs
+18 −18 copilot-theorem/examples/WCV.hs
+1 −0 copilot-theorem/src/Copilot/Theorem/IL/Translate.hs
+1 −1 copilot-theorem/src/Copilot/Theorem/Misc/Utils.hs
+1 −0 copilot-theorem/src/Copilot/Theorem/Prove.hs
+1 −0 copilot-theorem/src/Copilot/Theorem/TransSys/Translate.hs
+1 −0 copilot-theorem/src/Copilot/Theorem/What4.hs
+18 −0 copilot-theorem/tests/Main.hs
+108 −0 copilot-theorem/tests/Test/Copilot/Theorem/What4.hs
+12 −0 copilot/CHANGELOG
+2 −2 copilot/
+8 −8 copilot/copilot.cabal
+2 −2 copilot/examples/WCV.hs
+6 −6 copilot/examples/what4/Arithmetic.hs
+7 −7 copilot/examples/what4/Propositional.hs
+2 −2 copilot/examples/what4/Structs.hs

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