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Merge pull request #81 from Copilot-Language/T79-IEEE-option
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Add `smtFloatMode` option to `VerifierOptions`. Refs #79.
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RyanGlScott authored Feb 3, 2025
2 parents 737c6af + de7b226 commit 62f2d9d
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Showing 6 changed files with 232 additions and 77 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion copilot-verifier/CHANGELOG
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
* Add `smtSolver` option to `VerifierOptions`. (#78)
* Add `smtFloatMode` option to `VerifierOptions`. (#79)

* Version bump (4.2). (#76)
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions copilot-verifier/copilot-verifier.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ library
hs-source-dirs: src

Expand All @@ -81,6 +82,7 @@ library copilot-verifier-examples
copilot >= 4.2 && < 4.3,
copilot-language >= 4.2 && < 4.3,
copilot-libraries >= 4.2 && < 4.3,
copilot-prettyprinter >= 4.2 && < 4.3,
Expand All @@ -104,6 +106,7 @@ library copilot-verifier-examples
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions copilot-verifier/examples/Copilot/Verifier/Examples.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import qualified Copilot.Verifier.Examples.ShouldPass.Arith a
import qualified Copilot.Verifier.Examples.ShouldPass.Clock as Clock
import qualified Copilot.Verifier.Examples.ShouldPass.Counter as Counter
import qualified Copilot.Verifier.Examples.ShouldPass.Engine as Engine
import qualified Copilot.Verifier.Examples.ShouldPass.FPNegation as FPNegation
import qualified Copilot.Verifier.Examples.ShouldPass.FPOps as FPOps
import qualified Copilot.Verifier.Examples.ShouldPass.Heater as Heater
import qualified Copilot.Verifier.Examples.ShouldPass.IntOps as IntOps
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -70,6 +71,7 @@ shouldPassExamples verb = Map.fromList
, example "Clock" (Clock.verifySpec verb)
, example "Counter" (Counter.verifySpec verb)
, example "Engine" (Engine.verifySpec verb)
, example "FPNegation" (FPNegation.verifySpec verb)
, example "FPOps" (FPOps.verifySpec verb)
, example "Heater" (Heater.verifySpec verb)
, example "IntOps" (IntOps.verifySpec verb)
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}

-- | This will not succeed when 'smtFloatMode' is 'FloatUninterpreted', as Clang
-- will turn @input /= 30.0@ below into a more complicated expression that also
-- checks if @30.0@ is NaN or not. This is logically equivalent to the original
-- specification, but an SMT solver cannot conclude this when all of the
-- floating-point operations involved are treated as uninterpreted functions.
-- To make this work, we set 'smtFloatMode' to 'FloatIEEE' instead. This works
-- because all of the floating-point operations in the specification below are
-- native to SMT-LIB.
module Copilot.Verifier.Examples.ShouldPass.FPNegation where

import Copilot.Compile.C99 (mkDefaultCSettings)
import Copilot.Verifier ( Verbosity, VerifierOptions(..)
, defaultVerifierOptions, verifyWithOptions )
import Copilot.Verifier.FloatMode (FloatMode(..))
import qualified Copilot.Library.PTLTL as PTLTL
import Language.Copilot

input :: Stream Float
input = extern "input" Nothing

-- | MyProperty
-- @
-- Input is never 30.0
-- @
propMyProperty :: Stream Bool
propMyProperty = PTLTL.alwaysBeen (input /= 30.0)

-- | Clock that increases in one-unit steps.
clock :: Stream Int64
clock = [0] ++ (clock + 1)

-- | First Time Point
ftp :: Stream Bool
ftp = [True] ++ false

pre :: Stream Bool -> Stream Bool
pre = ([False] ++)

tpre :: Stream Bool -> Stream Bool
tpre = ([True] ++)

notPreviousNot :: Stream Bool -> Stream Bool
notPreviousNot = not . PTLTL.previous . not

-- | Complete specification. Calls C handler functions when properties are
-- violated.
spec :: Spec
spec = do
trigger "handlerMyProperty" (not propMyProperty) []

verifySpec :: Verbosity -> IO ()
verifySpec verb = do
spec' <- reify spec
{ verbosity = verb
, smtFloatMode = FloatIEEE
mkDefaultCSettings [] "fpNegation" spec'
183 changes: 107 additions & 76 deletions copilot-verifier/src/Copilot/Verifier.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitNamespaces #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams #-}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -49,6 +50,7 @@ import qualified Copilot.Core.Type as CT

import qualified Copilot.Theorem.What4 as CW4

import qualified Copilot.Verifier.FloatMode as FloatMode
import qualified Copilot.Verifier.Log as Log
import qualified Copilot.Verifier.Solver as Solver

Expand All @@ -73,10 +75,10 @@ import Lang.Crucible.Backend
, labeledPred, labeledPredMsg
-- , ProofObligations, proofGoal, goalsToList, labeledPredMsg
import Lang.Crucible.Backend.Simple (newSimpleBackend)
import Lang.Crucible.Backend.Simple (SimpleBackend, newSimpleBackend)
import Lang.Crucible.CFG.Core (AnyCFG(..), cfgArgTypes, cfgReturnType)
import Lang.Crucible.CFG.Common ( freshGlobalVar )
import Lang.Crucible.FunctionHandle (newHandleAllocator)
import Lang.Crucible.FunctionHandle (HandleAllocator, newHandleAllocator)
import Lang.Crucible.Simulator
( SimContext(..), ctxSymInterface, ExecResult(..), ExecState(..)
, defaultAbortHandler, runOverrideSim, partialValue, gpValue
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -151,7 +153,7 @@ import What4.Interface
, getAnnotation, natAdd, natEq, natIte, natLit
import What4.Expr.Builder
( FloatModeRepr(..), ExprBuilder, BoolExpr, startCaching
( Flags, ExprBuilder, BoolExpr, startCaching
, newExprBuilder
import What4.FunctionName (functionName)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -204,6 +206,20 @@ data VerifierOptions = VerifierOptions
-- configurable in the future.
, smtSolver :: Solver.Solver
-- ^ Which SMT solver to use when solving proof goals.
, smtFloatMode :: FloatMode.FloatMode
-- ^ How the verifier should interpret floating-point operations when
-- translating them to SMT.
-- By default, the verifier will treat all floating-point operations as
-- uninterpreted functions ('FloatMode.FloatUninterpreted'). This allows the
-- verifier to perform some limited reasoning about floating-point
-- operations that SMT solvers do not have built-in operations for (@sin@,
-- @cos@, @tan@, etc.), but at the expense of not being able to verify C
-- code in which the compiler optimizes floating-point expressions. One can
-- also opt into an alternative mode where floating-point values are treated
-- as IEEE-754 floats ('FloatMode.FloatIEEE'), but this comes with the
-- drawback that the verifier will not be able to perform /any/ reasoning
-- about @sin@, @cos@, @tan@, etc.
} deriving stock Show

-- | The default 'VerifierOptions':
Expand All @@ -216,12 +232,16 @@ data VerifierOptions = VerifierOptions
-- * Do not log any SMT solver interactions.
-- * Use the Z3 SMT solver.
-- * Treat all floating-point operations as uninterpreted functions when
-- translating to SMT.
defaultVerifierOptions :: VerifierOptions
defaultVerifierOptions = VerifierOptions
{ verbosity = Default
, assumePartialSideConds = False
, logSmtInteractions = False
, smtSolver = Solver.Z3
, smtFloatMode = FloatMode.FloatUninterpreted

-- | Like 'defaultVerifierOptions', except that the verifier will assume side
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -335,86 +355,97 @@ verifyBitcode ::
FilePath {- ^ Path to the bitcode file to verify -} ->
IO ()
verifyBitcode opts csettings properties spec cruxOpts llvmOpts cFile bcFile =
FloatMode.withFloatMode (smtFloatMode opts) $ \fm ->
do -- Set up the expression builder and symbolic backend
halloc <- newHandleAllocator
(sym :: ExprBuilder t st fs) <-
newExprBuilder FloatUninterpretedRepr CopilotVerifierData globalNonceGenerator
sym <- newExprBuilder fm CopilotVerifierData globalNonceGenerator
bak <- newSimpleBackend sym
-- turn on hash-consing
startCaching sym

-- capture LLVM side-condition information for use in error reporting
clRefs <- newCopilotLogRefs
let ?recordLLVMAnnotation = recordLLVMAnnotation clRefs

-- Set up the solver to use for verification.
let adapter :: SolverAdapter st
adapter = Solver.solverAdapter (smtSolver opts)
extendConfig (solver_adapter_config_options adapter) (getConfiguration sym)

-- Set up the Crucible/LLVM simulation context
memVar <- mkMemVar "llvm_memory" halloc
let simctx = (setupSimCtxt halloc bak (memOpts llvmOpts) memVar)
{ printHandle = view Log.outputHandle ?outputConfig }

-- Load and translate the input LLVM module
llvmMod <- parseLLVM bcFile
Some trans <-
let ?transOpts = transOpts llvmOpts
in translateModule halloc memVar llvmMod

Log.sayCopilot Log.TranslatedToCrucible

-- Grab some metadata from the bitcode file and options;
-- make the available via implicit arguments to the places
-- that expect them.
let llvmCtxt = trans ^. transContext
let ?lc = llvmCtxt ^. llvmTypeCtx
let ?memOpts = memOpts llvmOpts
let ?intrinsicsOpts = intrinsicsOpts llvmOpts

llvmPtrWidth llvmCtxt $ \ptrW ->
withPtrWidth ptrW $

do -- Compute the LLVM memory state with global variables allocated
-- but not initialized
emptyMem <- initializeAllMemory bak llvmCtxt llvmMod

-- Compute the LLVM memory state with global variables initialized
-- to their initial values.
initialMem <- populateAllGlobals bak (trans ^. globalInitMap) emptyMem

-- Use the Copilot spec directly to compute the symbolic states
-- necessary to carry out the states of the bisimulation proof.
Log.sayCopilot Log.GeneratingProofState
proofStateBundle <- CW4.computeBisimulationProofBundle sym properties spec

-- First check that the initial state of the program matches the starting
-- segment of the associated Copilot streams.
let cruxOptsInit = setCruxOfflineSolverOutput "initial-step" cruxOpts
initGoals <-
verifyInitialState cruxOptsInit [adapter] clRefs simctx initialMem
(CW4.initialStreamState proofStateBundle)

-- Now, the real meat. Carry out the bisimulation step of the proof.
let cruxOptsTrans = setCruxOfflineSolverOutput "transition-step" cruxOpts
bisimGoals <-
verifyStepBisimulation opts cruxOptsTrans [adapter] csettings
clRefs simctx llvmMod trans memVar initialMem proofStateBundle

Log.sayCopilot $ Log.SuccessfulProofSummary cFile initGoals bisimGoals
-- We only want to inform users about Noisy if the verbosity level is
-- sufficiently low. Crux's logging framework isn't particularly
-- suited to doing this, as it assumes that all log messages enabled
-- for low verbosity levels should also be enabled for higher
-- verbosity levels. That is a reasonable assumption most of the time,
-- but not here.
-- To compensate, we hack around the issue by manually checking the
-- verbosity level before logging the message.
when (verbosity opts < Noisy) $
Log.sayCopilot Log.NoisyVerbositySuggestion
FloatMode.withInterpretedFloatExprBuilder sym fm $
verifyWithSymBackend bak halloc
verifyWithSymBackend ::
forall t st fm.
IsInterpretedFloatExprBuilder (ExprBuilder t st (Flags fm)) =>
SimpleBackend t st (Flags fm) ->
HandleAllocator ->
IO ()
verifyWithSymBackend bak halloc = do
let sym = backendGetSym bak
-- capture LLVM side-condition information for use in error reporting
clRefs <- newCopilotLogRefs
let ?recordLLVMAnnotation = recordLLVMAnnotation clRefs

-- Set up the solver to use for verification.
let adapter :: SolverAdapter st
adapter = Solver.solverAdapter (smtSolver opts)
extendConfig (solver_adapter_config_options adapter) (getConfiguration sym)

-- Set up the Crucible/LLVM simulation context
memVar <- mkMemVar "llvm_memory" halloc
let simctx = (setupSimCtxt halloc bak (memOpts llvmOpts) memVar)
{ printHandle = view Log.outputHandle ?outputConfig }

-- Load and translate the input LLVM module
llvmMod <- parseLLVM bcFile
Some trans <-
let ?transOpts = transOpts llvmOpts
in translateModule halloc memVar llvmMod

Log.sayCopilot Log.TranslatedToCrucible

-- Grab some metadata from the bitcode file and options;
-- make the available via implicit arguments to the places
-- that expect them.
let llvmCtxt = trans ^. transContext
let ?lc = llvmCtxt ^. llvmTypeCtx
let ?memOpts = memOpts llvmOpts
let ?intrinsicsOpts = intrinsicsOpts llvmOpts

llvmPtrWidth llvmCtxt $ \ptrW ->
withPtrWidth ptrW $

do -- Compute the LLVM memory state with global variables allocated
-- but not initialized
emptyMem <- initializeAllMemory bak llvmCtxt llvmMod

-- Compute the LLVM memory state with global variables initialized
-- to their initial values.
initialMem <- populateAllGlobals bak (trans ^. globalInitMap) emptyMem

-- Use the Copilot spec directly to compute the symbolic states
-- necessary to carry out the states of the bisimulation proof.
Log.sayCopilot Log.GeneratingProofState
proofStateBundle <- CW4.computeBisimulationProofBundle sym properties spec

-- First check that the initial state of the program matches the starting
-- segment of the associated Copilot streams.
let cruxOptsInit = setCruxOfflineSolverOutput "initial-step" cruxOpts
initGoals <-
verifyInitialState cruxOptsInit [adapter] clRefs simctx initialMem
(CW4.initialStreamState proofStateBundle)

-- Now, the real meat. Carry out the bisimulation step of the proof.
let cruxOptsTrans = setCruxOfflineSolverOutput "transition-step" cruxOpts
bisimGoals <-
verifyStepBisimulation opts cruxOptsTrans [adapter] csettings
clRefs simctx llvmMod trans memVar initialMem proofStateBundle

Log.sayCopilot $ Log.SuccessfulProofSummary cFile initGoals bisimGoals
-- We only want to inform users about Noisy if the verbosity level is
-- sufficiently low. Crux's logging framework isn't particularly
-- suited to doing this, as it assumes that all log messages enabled
-- for low verbosity levels should also be enabled for higher
-- verbosity levels. That is a reasonable assumption most of the time,
-- but not here.
-- To compensate, we hack around the issue by manually checking the
-- verbosity level before logging the message.
when (verbosity opts < Noisy) $
Log.sayCopilot Log.NoisyVerbositySuggestion

-- If @logSmtInteractions@ is enabled, enable offline solver output in the
-- supplied 'CruxOptions' with the supplied file template. Otherwise, return
-- the supplied 'CruxOptions' unaltered.
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