CSC2529 project
Data preparation:
- Go to flare_free and specify in the input dir (entire original size data - 27,449 images), output dir, and verify res is 224.
- Run
- Download the real and synthetic test datasets from and place them in flare_free.
- Repeat steps 1 and 2 on ground_truth and input directories that are in real (20 images) and synthetic (37 images) directories.
- Go to lens-flare and specify in the input dir (entire original flares data - 5,001 images), output dir, and verify that res_h and res_w are 353 and 263 respectively.
- Run
Model training:
- Go to google-research and specify in train_dir (where to save logs), scene_dir (where to get entire downsampled data), flare_dir (where to get entire downsampled flares), epochs=200, training_res=224, flare_res_h=353, flare_res_w=263, model (name of the model you are running) and exp_name (_).
- Run
Evaluating model (optional - if there is a separate evaluation data):
- After model finished training go to google-research and specify in eval_dir (where to save results), train_dir (logs dir of the trained model), scene_dir (path to downsampled ground_truth test dir, once for real and once for synthetic), training_res=224, flare_res_h=353, flare_res_w=263, model (name of the model type you are evaluating).
- Run
Test model to produce visual and qualitative results:
- In google-research specify in a) for the commands starting with srun: ckpt (path to logs dir of trained model, model (model type), input_dir (path to downsampled input test dir, once for real and once for synthetic), out_dir (path where results are saved). b) for the commands starting with python3: gt_dir (path to ground truth images), blended_dir (path to blended images dir) and out_dir (output path of the text file with metrics).
- Run