Contao 3 Module "Mobile-Detection", based on ""
Helperclasses for developer. Demo frontend module is present.
- Do not use the ZIP file from GitHub! Use the ER2 mobiledetection
- Search for bugbuster/mobiledetection, version >= 3.5
- composer loads additionally "mobiledetect/mobiledetectlib" version 2.*
A Hook add a special class to page css class (in body tag):
- phone : mobile device, but no tablet
- tablet : mobile device and a tablet
- computer : no mobile device, no tablet
Galaxy S II (Phone)
<body id="top" class="android safari webkit sf4 mobile phone">
Motorola Xoom (Tablet)
<body id="top" class="android safari webkit sf3 mobile tablet">
Linux Mint PC (Computer)
<body id="top" class="unix firefox gecko fx18 computer">
You have two options:
- You're using the original class (Detection\MobileDetect).
- You're using the wrapper class (MobileDetection\Mobile_Detection).
include '<path>/Mobile_Detect.php';
$detect = new Mobile_Detect();
Continue as described in the next section.
use Detection\MobileDetect;
$detect = new MobileDetect();
// Check for any mobile device.
if ($detect->isMobile())
// Check for any tablet.
// Check for any mobile device, excluding tablets.
if ($detect->isMobile() && !$detect->isTablet())
For the full list of available methods check the directory .
// Check device type
echo $this->Mobile_Detection->getDeviceType(); // phone|tablet|computer
// Check for any mobile device.
if ($this->Mobile_Detection->isMobile())
// Check for any tablet.
if ($this->Mobile_Detection->isTablet())
// Check mobile grade
echo $this->Mobile_Detection->getMobileGrade(); // A|B|C
// Check mobile rules
$arrRules = $this->Mobile_Detection->getMobileRules();
// result e.g. array('SamsungTablet','AndroidOS','Safari')
See demo module "MobileDetectionDemo".