- Clone the repository;
- Create a pipenv with Python 3.8;
- Install the dependencies;
- Activate pipenv;
- Configure the instance with .env;
- Run the tests;
git clone https://github.com/ConTTudOweb/ConTTudOwebProject.git
cd ConTTudOwebProject
pipenv --python 3.8
pipenv sync --dev
pipenv shell
cp contrib/env-sample .env
coverage run --source='conttudoweb' manage.py test
coverage report
python manage.py migrate_schemas --shared
# rodar o shell_plus em um tenant específico
manage tenant_command shell_plus --schema=demo
python manage.py shell_plus
Client.objects.create(name="sandrofolk", schema_name="sandrofolk", domain_url="sandrofolk.conttudoweb.local")
python manage.py tenant_command createsuperuser --schema=sandrofolk
# Verificar pacotes desatualizados:
pipenv update --outdated
# Atualizar um pacote específico:
pipenv update PACOTE
# Atualizar todos os pacotes desatualizados:
pipenv update
# temas
python manage.py loaddata admin_interface_theme_bootstrap.json --schema=sandrofolk
python manage.py loaddata admin_interface_theme_foundation.json --schema=sandrofolk
python manage.py loaddata admin_interface_theme_uswds.json --schema=sandrofolk