CrySPY is a crystal structure prediction tool written in Python.
Document site is moved to
version 0.10.1 (2021 September 30)
- version 0.10.1 (2021 September 30)
- Bug fixed for numpy.random.seed in multiprocessing
- version 0.10.0 (2021 July 25)
- Support PyXtal 0.2.9 or later
- Step data and LAQA for QE
- Upper and lower limits of energy for EA and BO
- version 0.9.2 (2021 Mar 18)
- Support pymatgen major change (v2022)
- version 0.9.0 (2021 Feb 7)
- Interfaced with OpenMX
- Employ PyXtal library to generate initial structures
- If you use PyXtal (default), find_wy program is not required
- LAQA can be used with soiap
- Change the section name in the input file: [lattice] section –> [structure] section
- Several input variables move to [structure] section
- natot: [basic] –> [structure]
- atype: [basic] –> [structure]
- nat: [basic] –> [structure]
- maxcnt: [option] –> [structure]
- symprec: [option] –> [structure]
- spgnum: [option] –> [structure]
- New features
- Molecular crystal structure generation
- Scale volume
- version 0.8.0
- Migrated to Python 3
- Several variable names
- Several data formats
- Unit of energy in output: eV/cell --> eV/atom
- No. of working directories corresponds to structure ID
- version 0.7.0
- Evolutionary algorithm is now available
- version 0.6.2
- LAMMPS can be used in CrySPY
- version 0.6.0
- LAQA is now available
- Changed the data format of init_struc_data and opt_struc_data from list to dict
- Python 3.8.x, 3.9.x (3.7.x may work)
- PyXtal >= 0.2.2
- (PyXtal requires pymatgen) pymatgen >= 2022.0.4
See CrySPY document in detail.
At least one optimizer is required.
- VASP (tested with version 5.4.4)
- QUANTUM ESPRESSO (tested with version 6.x, version 5.x does not work)
- OpenMX
- soiap (tested with version 0.2.2)
- find_wy: find_wy can randomly select a combination of Wyckoff positions for a given chemical composition and space group. (optional)
- T. Yamashita, S. Kanehira, N. Sato, H. Kino, H. Sawahata, T. Sato, F. Utsuno, K. Tsuda, T. Miyake, and T. Oguchi, Sci. Technol. Adv. Mater.:Methods 1, 87 (2021).
T. Yamashita, N. Sato, H. Kino, T. Miyake, K. Tsuda, and T. Oguchi, Phys. Rev. Mater. 2, 013803 (2018).
N. Sato, T. Yamashita, T. Oguchi, K. Hukushima, and T. Miyake, Phys. Rev. Mater. 4, 033801 (2020).
- K.Terayama, T. Yamashita, T. Oguchi, and K. Tsuda, npj Comput. Mater. 4, 32 (2018).
CrySPY is distributed under the MIT License.
Copyright (c) 2018 CrySPY Development Team