poetry install
poetry run blackbox
If you don't have a recent version of node on your system, install that first from nodejs.org.
Clear the npm cache:
npm cache clean -f
Install Node’s version manager:
npm install -g n
Finally, install the latest stable version
sudo n stable
A community-maintained Python package by the name of “pyright” is available on pypi and conda-forge. This package will automatically install node (which Pyright requires) and keep Pyright up to date.
pip install pyright
Alternatively, you can install the command-line version of Pyright directly from npm, which is part of node. If you don't have a recent version of node on your system, install that first from nodejs.org.
To install pyright globally:
npm install -g pyright
On MacOS or Linux, sudo may be required to install globally:
sudo npm install -g pyright
To update to the latest version:
sudo npm update -g pyright