- PHP 8.x
- Installing via Homebrew would be the easiest option for macOS users.
- If not, all other installation options can be found in the same page.
- MySQL 5.7.5+ or MariaDB 10.2+
- cv - command is a utility for interacting with a CiviCRM installation
First we will setup a WordPress site on top of which we will setup CiviCRM. For creating the WordPress site we will require a database.
Login to the MySQL terminal
mysql -u root -p
From the MySQL terminal, create a database
create database goonj; exit
Download the database dump from here LINK
After importing the database, run the
wp search-replace //goonj-crm.staging.coloredcow.com //goonj-civicrm.test
command to update the UAT URLs to your local URLs. -
Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/ColoredCow/goonj.git
Change to project root directory
cd goonj
Delete the existing uploads folder in wp-content and replace it with the new one downloaded and unzipped from Here
. Search and replace 3 things:- All the staging URLs:
to your local URL. - All the staging paths:
to your local path. - All the MySQL links:
to your local.
- All the staging URLs:
Create the WordPress config file (specify the correct database credentials)
wp config create --dbname=goonj --dbuser=root --dbpass=
Note: If you see an error try to pass the
option as well. -
Install WordPress and create admin
wp core install --url=goonj.test --title="Goonj" --admin_user=admin --admin_password=admin --admin_email=admin@example.com
Set the WordPress permalink structure to "postname"
wp rewrite structure '/%postname%/'
For Windows
- Create a Virtual host for your project. The virtual host should point to
- Create a Virtual host for your project. The virtual host should point to
For macOS
- Create a virtual host
valet link goonj
- Secure the virtual host
valet secure goonj
Activate the plugin
wp plugin activate civicrm
Go to
and configure CiviCRM.- Check all the Components
- And click on
Install CiviCRM
- In your text editor open,
- Search for
Override the extensions directory
comment - We are going to keep all the extensions in
directory:// Replace with your actual path to goonj-crm below! $civicrm_setting['domain']['extensionsDir'] = '/path/to/goonj-crm/wp-content/civi-extensions';
- Activate required extensions
cv ext:enable afform afform_admin civirules emailapi