HRQRCodeScanTool is a lightweight, high cohesion, low couplingpure, pure-Swift tool for QRcode scan.
This tool uses AVFoundation based on Swift4.1 API. It improves the reusability of the code and make the code be easy to maintain and extend in ViewControllers. This tool support not only qrcode but also support .ean13 .ean8 .upce .code39 .code93 .code128 .code39Mod43. Don't run in simulator.
- Swift 4.1
- iOS 8.0+
- Xcode 9.3
HRQRCodeScanTool is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following lines to your Podfile:
platform :ios, '8.0'
pod 'HRQRCodeScanTool'
Then import header in your code
import HRQRCodeScanTool
- Download and drop
in your project. - Congratulations!
Remember to add this key-value in your info.plist
import AVFoundation
let status = AVCaptureDevice.authorizationStatus(for: .video)
if status != .authorized {
AVCaptureDevice.requestAccess(for: .video) { (flag) in
Inited from pure code :
// in ViewController
HRQRCodeScanTool.shared.delegate = self
HRQRCodeScanTool.shared.beginScanInView(view: view)
// scan result will call in delegate methods
func scanQRCodeFaild(error: String){
func scanQRCodeSuccess(resultStrs: [String]){
property | default value | remark |
open var isDrawQRCodeRect: Bool | true | 是否描绘二维码边框 默认true |
open var drawRectColor: UIColor | | 二维码边框颜色 默认红色 |
open var drawRectLineWith: CGFloat | 2 | 二维码边框线宽 默认2 |
open var isShowMask: Bool | true | 是否展示黑色蒙版板层 默认开启 |
open var maskColor: UIColor | Black.alpha 0.5 | 蒙板层 默认黑色 alpha 0.5 |
open var centerWidth: CGFloat | 200 | 中心非蒙板区域的宽 |
open var centerHeight: CGFloat | 5.0 | 中心非蒙板区域的宽 |
open var centerPosition: CGPoint? | nil | 中心非蒙板区域的中心点 默认Veiw的中心 |
open func beginScanInView(view: UIView)
open func setInterestRect(originRect: CGRect)
open func stopScan()
If you use it under opaque navigation bars, the preview layer will move down the navigation bar height, so is open var centerPosition: CGPoint?
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HRQRCodeScanTool is released under the MIT and Anti-996 license. See the LICENSE file for more info.