Question and answer project
Project that answers questions from registered users.. Registration of administrators.. Insertion of questions and answers..
Here are the technologies used in this project.
- Ruby version 2.6.10
- Rails version 5.2
- PostgreSQL/sqlite
- Github
*-devise *-bootsnap *-tty-spinner *-pry-rails *-rails-i18n *-Webpacker *-fake *-kaminari *-i18n kaminari *-kaminari-i18n *-cocoon *-awesome_print
- Ruby
- Rails
To create the previous files to use on the project, on the database.
- tasks: rails dev:setup for to run commands automatically..
*- {%x(rails db:drop:_unsafe)}
*- { %x(rails db:create) }
*- { %x(rails db:migrate) }
*- { %x(rails dev:add_default_admin) }
*- { %x(rails dev:add_extra_admins) }
*- { %x(rails dev:add_default_user) }
*- { %x(rails dev:add_subjects) }
*- { %x(rails dev:add_answers_and_questions) }
- To install the yarn
- yarn install
- To install the gems.
- bundle install
- To run the project.
- rails s