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Interview Discussion Day 5

MADHAV BAHL edited this page Dec 26, 2018 · 1 revision

Today's Discussion

How to prepare for tech interviews

So I was going through this interesting blog and found some key points one should always remember while preparing for a tech interview:

  1. Do side projects to learn and improve tech skills
  2. Create an Online Portfolio displaying your skills
  3. Network with people, attend events, workshops etc.
  4. Make a Short and Sweet Resume focusing on your skills and accomplishments
  5. Review your resume over and over again, try to remove vague catchy lines and focus on the works you did and accomplishments you gained
  6. Prepare for frequently asked questions, and also question like strength, weakness, accomplishment, loss, gain, try to have an example or a story in mind where you went through something and showed you are deserving
  7. Competitive programming, tech questions, data structures, and algorithms, operating systems, database management etc. are some frequently asked topics in any tech interview, do practice them regularly (Don’t just walk into an interview without preparation)
  8. Prepare Questions that you can ask your interviewer (Asking interesting questions during your interview cannot only help you learn if the job is right for you, but it will also demonstrate to your interviewer that you’re passionate about the position)
  9. Admit Mistakes (No one is perfect), and remember:
  • A pause is better than wrong answer
  • Be honest, never lie
  1. Have confidence, be fearless, if you think you deserve the job and you have prepared well enough, never be afraid of how the interview will go

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