SubKit GraphQL-Server is built with the following principles in mind:
- Simplicity by keeping things simple, SubKit GraphQL-Server is easier to use, easier to contribute to, and more secure
- Performance SubKit GraphQL-Server is well-tested and production-ready - no modifications needed
- Experience Front-end / Contract-Driven approach - designed and developed to make front-end and back-end development as efficient as possible.
- Build-In All important tools to create and manage GraphQL-APIs are available via CLI.
Anyone is welcome to contribute to SubKit GraphQL-Server, just read CONTRIBUTING and take a look at the ROADMAP.
- Guide to Getting Started
- Queries
- Advanced queries
- Clients
- Mutations
- Subscriptions
- Directives
- JSON Web Token (JWT) Authentication
- More examples
- Error Handling (coming soon)
- Domain errors
- Infrastructure errors
- Instrumentation - Tracing and Logging (coming soon)
- Testing (coming soon)
- Batching and Caching (coming soon)
- Include SubKit GraphQL-Server as a Module (coming soon)