Votix is an advanced and secure online voting platform.
# clone latest version
git clone git@github.com:ClubNix/Votix.git
cd Votix
# install dependencies for development and testing
docker-compose run --rm votix make install_dev
# run votix container in background
docker-compose up -d --force-recreate
# Votix should be available from now on http://localhost:8000
# run test suites
docker-compose exec votix make test
Please check Votix Wiki for installation and configuration instructions for production https://github.com/ClubNix/Votix/wiki
# run a command inside running container
docker-compose exec votix [command]
# run a command inside a temporary votix container
docker-compose run --rm votix [command]
# run tests
docker-compose exec votix make test
# run tests with code coverage (tests/_output/coverage)
docker-compose exec votix make test_coverage
# rebuild assets
docker-compose exec votix yarn build
# reset database
docker-compose exec votix make reset
# updating container
docker-compose down
docker-compose up --force-recreate
# exec bash in container / bash root in container
make inside
make inside_root
# composer
docker-compose exec votix composer
# yarn
docker-compose exec votix yarn
Votix is released under the MIT license.