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654 lines (384 loc) · 17.4 KB


File metadata and controls

654 lines (384 loc) · 17.4 KB

1.0.0 - alpha7


Fixed compile errors with shader programs on some OpenGL versions.

Fixed the window title error. Now it appears fine.

Added WindowClass::register_indirect, WindowBackgroundSystemColour and WindowBackgroundColour to WinCore for the window_class module.

Updated Background: added the SystemColour option, renamed Colour to RGBColour.

Fixed feature errors. Removed the windowing feature.

Added docs configurations with the nightly-docs feature.


Some changes for future updates.

1.0.0 - alpha6

The WindowProcedure trait

New functions:

  • create - called when an application requests that a window be created
  • close_request - called as a signal that a window or an application should terminate
  • destroy - called when a window is being destroyed, after the window is removed from the screen
  • set_cursor - called if the mouse causes the cursor to move within a window and mouse input is not captured (the set_cursor_event feature)
  • resized - called after window's size has changed
  • moved - called after a window has been moved
  • catch_panic - called when one of the functions above panics and catch_unwind catches the panic in WndProc


  • WindowProcedure::render to paint
  • DrawParameters from Graphics to DrawParameters2D
  • GCore to GLCore


  • the AppWindowProcedure trait - wraps WindowProcedure
  • the set_cursor_event feature for handling set cursor events
  • the InstanceHandle, WindowClassInfo structs
  • cursor, brush, icon raw functions for Windows (WinCore)
  • the CursorIcon::System enumetion, it contains the system defined cursor
  • the DrawParameters struct to GLCore
  • the GraphicsCore::flush function


CursorIcon::None now doesn't set any cursor, use it for dynamic changing the cursor icon. In that case use Cursor::set to set the cursor

The quit function has got an argument.

Drawing heap objects is safe. It doesn't panic if you set a wrong object id. All objects with zero vertices are ignored, you can't add or push any. Also ids returned by add_heap_object start from zero.

1.0.0 - alpha5

CatEngineBasement - 0.0.0-alpha5


  • WindowHandle as a replacment for HWND
  • DeviceContextHandle as a replacment for HDC and DeviceContext to WinCore
  • Cursor to WinCore
  • BitmapHandle as a replacment for HBITMAP and Bitmap to WinCore
  • WindowClassStyles for easily setting the class styles
  • WindowStyle, WindowStyles, ExtendedWindowStyle, ExtendedWindowStyles for easily setting the window styles
  • Window::show_window and ShowCommand to WinCore
  • Window::client_to_screen, Window::screen_to_client to WinCore
  • a WindowProcedure::render function
  • all the GL Buffer functions that are available for OpenGL 3.3 to GLCore


  • Redraw from WindowEvent.
  • the VK prefix from VirtualKeyCode.

1.0.0 - alpha4

Fixed CachedFont::text_size and CachedFont::text_width functions.

Now Graphics::draw_char set a horisontal advance of any given character.

All the App functions takes it as a reference, removed some, renamed the rest.

All the texture functions except basement::graphics::core ones now returns GLError.

Removed CatAudio from the default features.

CatEngineBasement - 0.0.0-alpha4

Added wrappers for drawing functions (graphics::level0).

Texture and Buffer write functions from graphics::level0 are now just wrappers.

All the buffer functions except basement::graphics::core ones returns GLError.

Added new features - support (enables the support module) and windowing (enables).

1.0.0 - alpha3

Fixed the Texture::write_image and Texture::rewrite_image functions.

Added FontError for the FontOwner::load function.

Renamed and removed some glyphs structures. Removed unnecessary functions.

Now the Graphics::draw_char function scale characters relative to the original size. Later scaling was relative to glyph's current size, so dynamically build and textured glyphs had different initial sizes.

CatEngineBasement - 0.0.0-alpha3

Removed all the events to the windows module.

Now some posted to the thread messages are also handled with EventLoop. The messages:

  • WindowEvent::KeyPress, WindowEvent::KeyRelease
  • WindowEvent::CharacterInput
  • WindowEvent::MouseMove, WindowEvent::MousePress, WindowEvent::MouseRelease, WindowEvent::MouseScroll

Added core::texture::Texture::wrap_s, -::wrap_t and -::wrap_r functions.

1.0.0 - alpha2

Updated the ttf-parser crate to 0.12.3 and the minimp3 crate to 0.5.1.

CatEngineBasement - 0.0.0-alpha2


  • new formats for Texture2DInternalFormat and ImageDataFormat
  • core::window::Window::get_window_long_ptr and -::set_window_long_ptr functions and WindowData for them
  • WindowClass to core
  • a VertexIntegerComponents enum for the core::vertex_array::VertexArray::attribute_pointer function
  • a core::vertex_array::VertexArray::attribute_pointer_integer function and VertexIntegerComponents and IntegerDataType for it
  • a Seconds option for EventInterval

ImageDataFormat and ImageDataType are merged into ImageDataFormat.

1.0.0 - alpha1

CatEngineBasement - 0.0.0-alpha1


  • WindowsCore. It wraps nessesary Windows API functions
  • an opengl feature. It enables using wrapped GL functions and context
  • Window::set_fullscreen and Window::show_cursor functions
  • a vsync field for OpenGLRenderContextAttributes, but other fields are removed
  • an auto_redraw flag that defines whether a new redraw event is requested directly after processing the last one. To set the flag use Window::set_auto_redraw
  • a fps lock, EventLoop controls frame rate, but you need to disable auto_redraw and vsync (OpenGLRenderContext::set_vsync)
  • an ability to disable update and redraw events and without changing the LoopControl flag. Just set an event rate to zero: EventInterval::EventsPerSecond(0), EventInterval::Ticks(0) or EventInterval::NanoSeconds(0)


  • WindowInner::storage -> WindowInner::storage_ref, WindowInner::storage now returns mutable reference


  • target module mistakes

Events optimizations

The highest optimization.

If you don't need updates and high performance:

  • disable V-Sync,
  • set the auto_redraw flag to false,
  • set the maximum of frame rate (30 fps is enough),
  • set the 'lazy' mode for EventLoop

The highest performance

If you need updates and the lowest response time:

  • disable V-Sync,
  • set the auto_redraw flag to false,
  • set the needed frame rate,
  • set the default mode for EventLoop

The smoothest image

If you need updates and the lowest response time:

  • enable V-Sync,
  • set the auto_redraw flag to true,
  • set the frame rate lock to zero,
  • set the needed mode for EventLoop

1.0.0 - pre-alpha

Whole engine redesign.

  • Raw OpenGL functions
  • Raw wrappers
  • New object allocation systems: heap- and stack-type
  • A new windowing system
  • A new app working system
  • A basement with secrets and cats
  • More unaccomplished features
  • More language mistakes :)
  • Less comments and docs



Uncreased the stack size up to 1 MiB (1024 * 1024 bytes) due to problems on some versions of Linux.


Now you can draw on everything that implements the Surface trait.

let texture=Texture::empty([1920u32,1080u32],window.display()).unwrap();
let mut frame_buffer=SimpleFrameBuffer::new(window.display(),&texture.0).unwrap();

let mut frame_buffer_graphics=Graphics{
    frame:&mut frame_buffer,




Made the default_draw_parameters function public.


Fixed setting the index buffer size of the simple graphics.

Added some functions to work with graphic objects and some was renamed.



Now you can directly push ChanneledTrack to a wrapper.


Added an update per second counter.

Fixed an update rate for closures.

Updated the ttf-parser crate to 0.9.0 and the ab_glyph_rasterizer to 0.1.4.



A lifetime from the DependentObject trait.

DynamicWindow and the Window trait.

WindowBase from public view.

The Window field from the WindowPage trait.

Function changes

The window draw function now takes &self, Graphics2D and a closure with &mut Graphics as an argument.

pub fn draw<F:FnOnce(&mut Graphics)>(&self,graphics_base:&Graphics2D,f:F)->Result<(),SwapBuffersError>;

The on_redraw_requested function of the WindowPage trait now takes &Window.

fn on_redraw_requested(&mut self,window:&Window);

Arguments of ImageBase::new was swapped:

pub fn new([x,y,width,height]:[f32;4],colour_filter:Colour)->ImageBase;

Renamed delete functions to remove ones.


Renamed PagedWindow to Window.

Separated graphics of windows, but it's still created within them.

Updated the glium crate to 0.29.0.

Added DrawDarameters to Graphics.


Fixed cat_audio's features.


Audio is now a separate crate and added as a default feature.

Fixed the bug of multichannel playing.


Added ImageObject.

Removed DefaultWindow.


Updated the image crate to 0.23.12.

Fixed the bug of starting playing an audio output stream after changing a panicked device on some platforms. Now it saves the last stream's state.


Enabled new audio features: extended_audio,raw_audio.



The image crate to 0.23.11. The ttf-parser crate to 0.8.3.


TexturedObject doesn't owe a texture, it should be added seperatly.

A new audio system

Now you are able to control each audio channel yourself.

let audio=Audio::default(AudioSettings::new()).unwrap();

let mut wrapper=AudioWrapper::new(audio);



// Pausing one channel of the track;


A new text rendering system

It is based on a glyph cache. Load all the needed characters as textures to the cache and then render them.

It's possible to load different fonts in one cache, so you can create your own, but it still have problems with scaling.

As usual you are able to save a glyph cache (in CachedFont) inside the graphics structure to use text as a dependent object.

Works faster but takes much space.

The old one

Now saved objects support only CachedFont.

Fully-rebuilded, too.


If an audio output device gets unavailable (for example, it has been unplugged), the engine tries to replace it with the new one (choose the default).

Removed the with_host_and_device, available_hosts, host_from_id, default_output_device, output_devices functions.

The play_once, play_forever functions are united in the play_track one.

Reimported the cpal crate.

The AudioOutputType enumeration renamed AudioOutputFormat.

The audio engine converts all sound tracks to the 24-bit format.

Removed NoStream from the AudioCommandResult enumeration.


Now you can create an empty texture.

Fixed the text rendering problem.


Updated crates: minimp3 - 0.5.0; image - 0.23.9.

Now image rendering functions are generalized for all textured objects.



An object system for text graphics and some function for rendering (but there is some artifacts, I will fix them later).

General drawing functions.


User's mouse cursor icon and it's feature.

The alpha_channel feature and the related functions and fields.

The draw_all_textured_objects function.


Glyph rendering.


Added output for the DynamicWindow.



Rendering user's mouse cursor.

Rendering a static textured object.


The range in the MouseCursorIconSettings.


Text rendering fully has been remade. Now it works faster.

The image crate has been replaced from crate::texture to crate.


The MouseCursor is now public.

The SimpleObject trait has been replaced with the DependentObject, and textured objects must be implemented for this new trait.

The image mod has been renamed to texture.

The image crate version has been changed to 0.23.8.



Functions to change saved simple objects directly:,White);,&[100f32;4])


The draw_raw function of all the windows.


Removing simple objects now deletes their indices. Removing all the simple objects does not delete the buffer offsets.


The range system for textures has been replaced with an object one.

All the field of the Graphics are now public.

Window drawing function takes &mut self instead of &self.



Feature errors.


The graphics engine is now divided into 2D and 3D (3D is not implemented yet).



A file_drop feature - enables the next events:

  • WindowEvent::HoveredFileCancelled
  • WindowEvent::HoveredFile(PathBuf)
  • WindowEvent::DroppedFile(PathBuf)

and related functions.

A new event - WindowEvent::ModifiersChanged(ModifiersState).

Rotating functions for simple objects.


User's mouse cursor and everything related to it.


Changes in the WindowSettings fields.

The WindowEvent::Draw event has been renamed to WindowEvent::RedrawRequested. The WindowEvent::Exit event has been renamed to WindowEvent::CloseRequested. The WindowPage::on_close_requested function has been renamed to WindowPage::on_window_close_requested.

The range system for simple objects has been replaced with an object one. Now you can add an object to the array and then quickly draw it or the whole array.

Some changes in the SimpleObject trait.

All the geometric shapes (cat_engine::graphics::*;) has been moved to cat_engine::shapes::*.

Version 0.2.1


Update events. You can configure update frequency in the WindowSettings (GeneralSettings).

WindowEvent::EventLoopClosed and WindowEvent::Update events.

A type Output field and new functions (on_update_requested, on_event_loop_closed->Output) for the WindowPage trait. The PagedWindow::run_page function now returns the Output.

A type defenition PageRef<'a> for WindowPage trait objects.


The WindowEvent::Hide(bool) event. Now only the WindowEvent::Focused(bool) event is available.


The auto_hide feature now works fine with the DynamicWindow.


Replaced the local MouseButton enum with glutin one.

The WindowBase has got a event_loop_proxy field with EventLoopProxy<InnerWindowEvent> type and the event_loop field type changed to EventLoop<InnerWindowEvent>.

The initial_colour field has been moved to the GeneralSettings.

Version 0.2.0

Now all the windows are compatible. You can convert one into another, except DynamicWindow - you can only convert into it.

Version 0.1.5

User's mouse cursor icon (feature = "mouse_cursor_icon")

Now all the errors of user's mouse cursor icon panic with an appropriate message.

New settings for user's mouse cursor icon.


The new window types are DynamicWindow - a window that uses 'pages' as WindowPage trait objects, and WindowBase - a window base without event handlers.

Window - a trait for windows. You can create easily your own window with WindowBase. All the windows are implemented with it except WindowBase.


The paged_format feature.

All the window modifying functions. Now the only way to customize the window is:

let wi=window.display().gl_window();
let w=wi.window();

Other changes

The window of the default window format is now named DefaultWindow.

The WindowPage trait got the type Window field and a life parameter.

Version 0.1.4


The closure event listeners works correct with the WindowEvent::Resized event.

For the auto_hide feature: when the current 'page' is closed and the current event listener is for the window minimized state the next page will be opened with the same listener.


Alpha smoothing functions are now able only with the alpha_smoothing feature.

Version 0.1.3

Now all drawing functions return the result of drawing.

Added the center of rotation for images.

Added lazy feature (see features).