This is the story of Meg, who recently attended a ClojureBridge workshop. Meg has always been a bit of a music nerd, and she wondered why DJs often used laptops on stage. Then she saw a live music coding video, and read that they use Clojure to create the music. Intrigued, she started to investigate Overtone.
Overtone provides a way to generate sounds, synthetic instruments, and music using Clojure. While it is very advanced, it is pretty easy to get started, and interesting to explore.
Linux Users If you are on Linux, you need to have the jack daemon running. Take a look at Installing and starting jack, and install the packages.
- Prelude - getting started
Meg learned that ClojureBridge already has a template project for
Overtone. The first thing to do to get started is to clone that project
using git
Meg opened the terminal and typed the command:
git clone
(Option) It's a good exercise to start from creating a Clojure project. Starting from scratch explains how to do that. Try it later.
Soon, the git
command downloaded the project, so Meg started Nightcode.
On Nightcode, she clicked Import
tab and imported tones
which she just downloaded by git
Then, Meg opened the file tones/src/tones/play.clj
clicked Run with REPL
followed by Reload File
This was just like, she learned at ClojureBridge workshop.
It took a while. When it completed, hey listen, music! The familiar melody of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" came out from Meg's computer.
If you didn't hear anything, check the volume. You did turn up the volume, right?
Linux and Windows Users Probably, you need to startup an external server and connect to it. Please see for details.
Meg typed (twinkle)
right next to the prompt on the bottom REPL pane.> (twinkle)
and hit Return(Enter). Again, she heard the music. It was the first part of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" played by a piano.
To do this in a lein repl, cd to the tones project root directory and run
lein repl
. Once the repl starts up,(require '
, which loads and evaluates the file. You should hear a melody once the file evaluation finishes. To listen the melody again, change the namespace by typing(ns
, then(twinkle)
If Nightcode REPL doesn't play well, doesn't respond, doesn't delete character or such, hit ENTER more than once. You can type and run functions on REPL again.
Although the music was a children's song, it was enough to make Meg very excited. Immediately, Meg went to the Overtone github repository in a browser,, and looked around the repository. She found many examples there. Among those, these two looked helpful to make piano sounds.
- Etude - playing piano notes
Meg started using Overtone functions.
The first function she tried was piano
with no arguments.
Meg typed the function on the bottom REPL window.
She then hit enter, yes!, she heard a piano note from her computer. Meg evaluated this simple function several times with joy.
Meg has already learned that the piano
function takes a note number as an
argument. For example:
(piano 48)
The number 48
corresponds to a specific note, but it didn't help Meg
to understand what note she made. She knew that musicians are used to
notes, not numbers, so they would want to write notes instead of
numbers as the argument. Meg found a nice Overtone converter
function, note
When Meg used the function like this:
(note :c3)
it returned the number 48
, so the value of :c3
is 48
Instead of just randomly trying various notes, Meg googled to find the mapping between numbers and notes and found this chart:
And this little nugget from Understanding musical theory:
Looking at this information, Meg understood that :c3
expressed a C
note in the
third octave. Now, she could make a piano note like this:
(piano (note :c3))
When you don't give the
function a number argument, it uses60
by default, which corresponds to:c4
, otherwise known as "middle C".
While googling, Meg noticed that a chord is the sound of two or more notes played at the same time, like this:
Meg realized that Overtone's chord
function was a handy chord
generator, which returns the numbers that correspond to the notes of the chord.
Too see how to use chord
function, Meg looked at the document.
She typed:
(doc chord)
in REPL window.
([root chord-name] [root chord-name inversion])
Returns a set of notes for the specified chord. The root must be in
midi note format i.e. :c4.
(chord :c4 :major) ; c major -> #{60 64 67}
(chord :a4 :minor) ; a minor -> #{57 60 64}
(chord :Bb4 :dim) ; b flat diminished -> #{70 73 76}
Meg said to herself, "ah, that's why a function call"
(chord :c3 :major)
(48 55 52)
"these three, got it."
She completely understood the chord
function, its meaning and how to use.
Now she wanted to make the piano sound of
(chord :c3 :major)
so, in REPL window, she typed (piano 48) (piano 55) (piano 52)
on the same line.
Then, she hit enter to evaluated the line.
After typing the line, Meg thought a while,
recalling what she had learned at the ClojureBridge workshop.
"There should be something better way to do..."
Suddenly, the idea came to her mind, "write a function!"
Soon, she wrote a function, c3-major-chord
in REPL window:
;; function definition
(defn c3-major-chord
(piano 48)
(piano 55)
(piano 52))
It's better to write your own function definitions in a file. You can save it. You may write
function in the bottom ofplay.clj
. To evaluate newly added function, click Reload button.
Then, wrote another line of code to use this function.
;; usage
Hey! A piano chord! Meg heard the sound of a chord, not just a single note.
Meg looked at her function with satisfaction for a while. At first, it looked nice, but a repetition of the same function made her think, "is there any better way to do this?"
She went to ClojureBridge curriculum site on the browser, ,
then realized,
"Icky. This is Clojure, which is very good at
iterating over a sequence."
In this case, the doseq
function fits well, which she learned from the
ClojureBridge main curriculum.
Since the chord
function returns a sequence of numbers,
the repetition should be replaced by:
(doseq [note (chord :c3 :major)] ;; Sequence
(piano note)) ;; Behavior
The doseq
binds the value of the first note to the note
symbol, and then calls (piano note)
to play it. Then it binds
the value of the second note to note
and calls (piano note)
And then, one more time, with the third note.
When Meg evaluated this doseq
, she could hear the same chord
as three piano functions.
At first, Meg rewrote the c3-major-code
function just replacing
the repetition by the doseq
;; function definition
(defn c3-major-chord
(doseq [note (chord :c3 :major)]
(piano note)))
Again, looking at the function, she wondered how to make this function more general. That's because this function can make only c3 major chord, but a bunch of other chords are out there, and a bunch of functions, one for each chord, didn't make sense. "Aha! I should change the function so that it will take arguments," she shouted and smiled.
Since the chord
function takes two arguments, root and chord-name,
this new function needs two arguments, also.
She changed it to take two arguments, and gave it a more general name, piano-chord
;; function definition
(defn piano-chord [root chord-name]
(doseq [note (chord root chord-name)]
(piano note)))
Next, she wrote lines of code to use it.
;; usage
(piano-chord :c3 :minor)
(piano-chord :f3 :minor)
(piano-chord :g2 :major)
(piano-chord :c3 :minor)
Her feeling was quite happy when she evaluated the function and these lines one by one.
Meg noticed that the chord function can take an optional third
argument representing the inversion
of the chord, and she wanted her
function to have the same flexiblity.
An inversion is a re-ordering of the notes in a chord. For example, the :c3 :major chord has the notes :c3, :e3, and :g3, which correspond to the numbers 48, 52, and 55. To make the "first inversion" of the chord, you move the :c3 up an octave to :c4, so the notes are now :e3, :g3, and :c4, which correspond to the numbers 52, 55, and 60.
Clojure has a way to define a function that can take different numbers
of arguments, or arities.
Using this feature, the Meg's piano-chord
function became like this:
(defn piano-chord
([root chord-name]
(doseq [note (chord root chord-name)]
(piano note)))
([root chord-name inv]
(doseq [note (chord root chord-name inv)]
(piano note))))
The piano-chord
function definition got two body entries,
where the first element of each is a vector of the
parameters. Based on the number of arguments, 2 or 3, either the
first or second body is executed.
If this gets evaluated:
(piano-chord :c3 :minor)
the first body entry will be used. When the arguments are three:
(piano-chord :c2 :dim 1)
the second body is called. This is a seriously moody chord. There are a lot of different kinds of chords, and Overtone supports many of them. Here are a few more examples - try "playing" them all in a row.
(piano-chord :g3 :7sus4)
(piano-chord :g3 :dom7)
(piano-chord :c4 :sus4)
(piano-chord :c4 :minor)
So far, Meg enjoyed making piano notes and chords.
It was absolutely fun, but she wondered how to make a melody.
When the twinkle
function in play.clj
file got evaluated, it
played the melody of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and she wanted to do something
like that. Among Overtone documents and examples, she found that
the answer was to introduce a progression with the at
The idea of a progression is that, by setting time differences to successive
notes or chords, for example, note1 at now, note2 at 1 second later,
note3 at 2 seconds later, and so on, it shifts the time to play each
sound. This is why the at
function takes time for its first argument.
Meg used at
function and wrote this:
(let [time (now)]
(at time (piano-chord :d4 :minor7))
(at (+ 2000 time) (piano-chord :g3 :major7))
(at (+ 4000 time) (piano-chord :c3 :major7))
(at (+ 6000 time) (piano-chord :e3 :minor7)))
She used a let
binding, which she learned from the Functions module
in the ClojureBridge main curriculum. With a let
binding, time holds
the current time (the time you hit the ctrl/cmd + space), which is the
return value of the now
function. The now
function returns the value
of the current time in milliseconds (1 second = 1000 milliseconds).
The code above works like this:
- play piano chord of :d4 :minor7 now
- play piano chord of :g3 :major7 2 seconds later from now
- play piano chord of :c3 :major7 4 seconds later from now
- play piano chord of :e3 :minor7 6 seconds later from now
In another words, four piano chords are scheduled to play every 2 seconds.
Meg changed the parameters a bit like this:
(let [time (now)]
(at time (piano-chord :c4 :minor))
(at (+ 1500 time) (piano-chord :f3 :minor 2))
(at (+ 3000 time) (piano-chord :g3 :major 1))
(at (+ 4100 time) (piano (note :f4)))
(at (+ 4500 time) (piano-chord :c3 :minor 2)))
Hey, this sounds like real music!
Meg remembered that the twinkle
function played only the first part
of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and she wanted to add the next
part. That would be a nice exercise. She googled and found the score
of this well-known lullaby.
"OK, so I already have the melody from the beginning to 'what you are'. All I need to add is 'Up above the world so high', repeat it, and then repeat the first part," Meg murmered.
Reading the score, she figured out that she needed code to play the
notes :g3 :g3 :f3 :f3 :e3 :e3 :d3
, and then she could combine
functions that she had already learned to play the melody. After a bit
of experimentation and testing, she wrote the up-above function
;; function definition
(defn up-above
(let [step 650
notes [:g3 :g3 :f3 :f3 :e3 :e3 :d3]]
(dotimes [i (count notes)]
(at (+ start (* i step)) (piano (note (nth notes i)))))))
She gave the up-above
function a start
parameter so she could
delay the start until after the first part of the song. She chose the
function to
execute the at
function multiple times. nth
is the function she
learned in the Data Structures module in the ClojureBridge main
curriculum. She also tried some variations of step
variations to
find a good interval between notes.
Meg tested the function she just wrote:
(up-above (now))
It sounded good. The last piece was to play all, twinkle
, up-above
, then twinkle
in order.
(let [start (now)]
(twinkle start)
(up-above (+ start 10400))
(up-above (+ start 15600))
(twinkle (+ start 20800)))
When Meg evaluated this let
form at the end of line,
she heard the whole melody of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star played
on a piano!
- Finale - epilogue
Whew. This lesson covered a lot of ground including a bit about Overtone's interface to SuperCollider music synthesis engine and how to use it.
It's really hard to imagine creating a song like this way, in another words, this amount of typing. Probably, the work would require a serious editor to keep our fingers from getting bloody. Clojure should be all about succinctness, however, let’s leave this for now and look at other useful ways to make music.
If you are interested in playing realistic sounds, look at this essay and code for building up an ethereal-sounding flute solo. If you want to know making music without typing so much like this lesson, check out the Leipzig Library, which explains how to build this sort of music compositions easier.
Have fun with making sounds!