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cdata is a simple library for data-structures implemented in the C programming language. The main goal is to simplify the programming experience in this language. It posseses the following characteristics:


Dynamic arrays

Example of usage of dynamic arrays:

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "cdata.h"

int compare_strings(const void *a, const void *b)
  return strcmp(*(char **)a, *(char **)b);

int main(void)
  // Creates new array of type (char*)
  char **array = NULL;
  // Insert element at the end of the array
  array_push(array, "alpha");
  array_push(array, "beta");
  array_push(array, "gamma");

  // Insert element in the beginning of the array
  array_unshift(array, "zeta");

  // Iterates over the entire array
  for (size_t i = 0; i < array_size(array); i++) {
    printf("  %s\n", array[i]);

  // Sequential search
  char *key = "beta";
  printf("Found \"%s\" at position %zu\n", key, array_sequential_search(array, &key, compare_strings));

  // Sort the array using quicksort
  array_qsort(array, compare_strings);

  // Insert a new element in the array while keeping it sorted
  key = "theta";
  array_insert_sorted(array, &key, compare_strings, NULL);

  // For each loop
  printf("Array sorted:\n");
  array_for_each(array, it) {
    // it is a pointer to each element in the array
    printf("  %s\n", *it);

  // Binary search for sorted arrays
  key = "gamma";
  printf("Found \"%s\" at position %zu\n", key, array_binary_search(array, &key, compare_strings));

  // Remove element at the end of the array
  printf("Array pop: %s\n", array_pop(array));

  // Deallocates the array
  return 0;

Hash tables

Example of usage of hash tables (it uses open adressing with linear or quadratic probing):

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "cdata.h"

typedef struct {
  char *key;
  char *value;
} Entry;

int compare_entry_name(const void *a, const void *b)
  const Entry *entry_a = a;
  const Entry *entry_b = b;
  return strcmp(entry_a->key, entry_b->key);

size_t hash_entry(const void *data) {
  const Entry *entry = data;
  // String hash function available with the library
  return djb2(entry->key);

int main(void)
  // Creates a new hash table of type Entry
  Entry *hash_table = hash_table_new(Entry, hash_entry, compare_entry_name);
  assert(hash_table != NULL);
  // Insert element in the hash table
  Entry entry = (Entry){
    .key = "alpha",
    .value = "69",
  hash_table_insert(hash_table, &entry, NULL);
  entry = (Entry){
    .key = "beta",
    .value = "420",
  hash_table_insert(hash_table, &entry, NULL);
  entry = (Entry){
    .key = "gamma",
    .value = "???",
  hash_table_insert(hash_table, &entry, NULL);

  // Finds an element in the hash table
  entry = (Entry){ .key = "alpha" };
  Entry *found = hash_table_get(hash_table, &entry);
  if (found != NULL) {
    printf("The key = \"%s\" has value = \"%s\"\n", found->key, found->value);
  } else {
    printf("The key = \"%s\" was NOT found in the hash table\n", entry.key);

  // For each loop
  printf("Hash table:\n");
  hash_table_for_each(hash_table, index, it) {
    // it is a pointer to each element in the hash table
    printf("  %s: %s\n", it->key, it->value);

  // Deallocates the hash table
  return 0;

Arena allocator

Example of usage of the arena allocator:

#include <stdio.h>

#include "cdata.h"

static const char name[] = "arena allocator";

int main(void)
  Arena arena = { 0 };

  // Allocates an integer
  int *ptr = arena_alloc(&arena, sizeof(int));
  *ptr = 69;
  printf("ptr = %d\n", *ptr);

  // Duplicates a string
  char *str = arena_strdup(&arena, name);
  printf("This is a string allocated by the %s\n", str);

  // Frees all the allocated memory at once

  // Duplicates a sized string
  str = arena_strndup(&arena, name, 5);
  printf("This is goodbye from the %s\n", str);

  // Deallocates the arena
  return 0;

More complete examples can be found in the folder ./examples. Check the next section for more information on how to use them.


To compile and run the examples, follow these steps:

  • Download this project
  • Navigate to its folder
  • Run the make command to compile the examples:
$ make
gcc -pedantic -W -Wall -Wextra -Wconversion -Wswitch-enum -Werror -std=c99 -O0 -g -I.  examples/count-words.c -o examples/count-words
  • Just run the examples. The count-words example was developed to compare the performance of hash tables and dynamic arrays. It determines the most used words in a text file:
$ ./examples/count-words examples/The\ Divine\ Comedy.txt examples/Shakespeare.txt 
File: examples/The Divine Comedy.txt
  lines: 6390
  chars: 220001
  words: 38039
  algorithm: dynamic array
    execution time: 1.50013s
    unique words: 7783
    top 10 words:
      01. the               2213
      02. and               1483
      03. of                 854
      04. to                 806
      05. i                  779
      06. that               651
      07. he                 450
      08. in                 441
      09. a                  436
      10. with               397
  algorithm: sorted dynamic array
    execution time: 0.032461s
    unique words: 7783
    top 10 words:
      01. the               2213
      02. and               1483
      03. of                 854
      04. to                 806
      05. i                  779
      06. that               651
      07. he                 450
      08. in                 441
      09. a                  436
      10. with               397
  algorithm: hash table
    execution time: 0.018339s
    unique words: 7783
    top 10 words:
      01. the               2213
      02. and               1483
      03. of                 854
      04. to                 806
      05. i                  779
      06. that               651
      07. he                 450
      08. in                 441
      09. a                  436
      10. with               397
File: examples/Shakespeare.txt
  lines: 124455
  chars: 5458198
  words: 900987
  algorithm: dynamic array
    execution time: 181.92s
    unique words: 58580
    top 10 words:
      01. the              27627
      02. and              26063
      03. i                19593
      04. to               18996
      05. of               18011
      06. a                14589
      07. my               12476
      08. in               10682
      09. you              10642
      10. that             10498
  algorithm: sorted dynamic array
    execution time: 1.26882s
    unique words: 58580
    top 10 words:
      01. the              27627
      02. and              26063
      03. i                19593
      04. to               18996
      05. of               18011
      06. a                14589
      07. my               12476
      08. in               10682
      09. you              10642
      10. that             10498
  algorithm: hash table
    execution time: 0.416467s
    unique words: 58580
    top 10 words:
      01. the              27627
      02. and              26063
      03. i                19593
      04. to               18996
      05. of               18011
      06. a                14589
      07. my               12476
      08. in               10682
      09. you              10642
      10. that             10498

Feel free to reach out to us if you need further assistance or have any questions. Enjoy using the library!


Simple C library for data-structures








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