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empezar edited this page Sep 22, 2014 · 4 revisions

The Medikit is the melee weapon of the Combat Medic. It can be used to heal friendly players up to 50 health above their class maximum, after which it ticks down 1 health per second until the class maximum health is reached. It can also poison enemies for 7 damage per second until they die or get healed by their team's Combat Medic. Poisoned players who aren't careful can infect their teammates with the disease, making their entire enemy team die within a few seconds.

When the Combat Medic has 50 or more cells, the Medikit will heal a friendly player instantly for their maximum health + 50 health. This will drain the Combat Medic's cells, and unless the healed teammate used the saveme command prior to getting healed, the Combat Medic will not regain any cells for 5 seconds. With less than 50 cells, the Medikit will only heal teammates for 5 health and consume 5 cells per heal.

Property Rating
Ingame image Medikit
Type Melee + damage over time
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