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Niclas Lindstedt edited this page Apr 5, 2015 · 28 revisions


The Engineer is a defensive player. By himself, he is an easy prey with low armor and low damage. But with a fully upgraded Sentry Gun, the Engineer is a defensive force to be reckoned with.

Property Rating
Role Defensive

Class specific bindings

Key Command Description
1 slot1 Equip the Railgun
2 slot2 Equip the Super Shotgun
4 slot4 Equip the Spanner
5 menu Build/destroy menu
e special Detonate Dispenser
mouse2 +gren1 Throw a Hand Grenade
f +gren2 Throw an EMP Grenade

Class specific aliases

Alias Description
detdispenser Detonate Dispenser
detsentry Detonate Sentry Gun

Class information

Open action menus for your Dispenser and Sentry Gun by hitting them with the Spanner. The Engineer can create ammo by using the dropammo command. This consumes cells. More about this on the Ammobox information page.

Class tips

The following are in-game class tips that are displayed when spawning as an Engineer.

Watch out for spies. A sentry gun will not shoot an enemy spy disguised as a teammate.

The railgun (1) is accurate on long distances. Use it on stationary objects.

The super shotgun (2) does the most damage at close ranges.

Use the spanner (4) on your sentry guns to upgrade, repair, restock or rotate them.

Use the spanner (4) on your teammates to repair their armor.

Use the spanner (4) on your dispensers to add ammo and armor.

The EMP grenade (f) will explode any nearby ammo including pipebombs on the ground.

The engineer can build (5) sentry guns and ammo / armor dispensers.

Build (5) your dispenser in a defensive position and detonate (e) it when an enemy is nearby.

The more ammo in your dispenser, the more damage it does when it is detonated (e).

Rockets and cells will give the most blast damage from a detonated (e) dispenser.

A sentry gun can be upgraded to level 3, giving it the ability to fire rockets.

A sentry gun cannot be built on a moving platform.

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