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Niclas Lindstedt edited this page Apr 13, 2015 · 9 revisions


Command Description
/inv Show inventory.
/showtf Show server rules.
/classhelp Show binds/commands for current class.
/legalclasses Show what classes are currently allowed.
/changeteam Bring up menu for changing team.
/cf_autoid Auto ID (0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = team only, 3 = enemies only).
/cf_grentimers Grenade timers (0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = disable timer sound).
/cf_classtips Display class tips when spawning (0 = off, 1 = on).
/cf_classconfigs Execute class/<class>.cfg on class change (0 = off, 1 = on).
/cf_mapconfigs Execute maps/<map>.cfg on map change (0 = off, 1 = on).

Class selection

Command Description
/changeclass Bring up menu for changing class.
/scout Change class to Scout.
/sniper Change class to Sniper.
/soldier Change class to Soldier.
/demoman Change class to Demolitions Man.
/medic Change class to Combat Medic.
/hwguy Change class to Heavy Weapons Guy.
/pyro Change class to Pyro.
/spy Change class to Spy.
/engineer Change class to Engineer.
/randompc Play a different class each time you spawn.


Command Description
/menu Class special menu*.

* Not usable by Sniper, Soldier, Combat Medic, Heavy Weapons Guy or Pyro.

Map voting

Command Description
/votenext Vote to start voting for next map (requires 51% of votes).
/votetrick Vote to start voting for trick maps (requires 51% of votes).
/voterace Vote to start voting for race maps (requires 51% of votes).
/forcenext Vote to force map switch to the voted map.
/togglevote Toggle the vote menu on/off (shown for 10 seconds).


Command Description
/slot1 Primary weapon.
/slot2 Secondary weapon.
/slot3 Tertiary weapon**.
/slot4 Melee weapon.
/+slot1 Quick fire primary weapon.
/+slot2 Quick fire secondary weapon.
/+slot3 Quick fire tertiary weapon**.
/+slot4 Quick fire melee weapon.
/weapnext Next weapon.
/weapprev Previous weapon.
/weaplast Last weapon (also used to cancel disguise/build).
/reload Reload current weapon.
/reloadnext Reload current weapon, then slot 1, 2 and 3 in order.
/reload1 Reload weapon slot 1.
/reload2 Reload weapon slot 2.
/reload3 Reload weapon slot 3.
/gren1 Prime + throw primary grenade (one click each).
/+gren1 Prime (on button press) + throw (on button release) primary grenade.
/gren2 Prime + throw secondary grenade (one click each).
/+gren2 Prime (on button press) + throw (on button release) secondary grenade.
/grenswitch Switch +gren1/+gren2 and gren1/gren2 without rebinding.

** Not usable by Scout or Engineer.


Command Description
/dash Initiate a bunny jump.


Command Description
/zoomtoggle Toggle zoom mode.
/zoomin Zoom in (while in zoom mode).
/zoomout Zoom out (while in zoom mode).
/cf_zoomfov <fov> Default fov to zoom in to.
/cf_zoomsteps <fov> Zoom in/out with increments.


Command Description
/detpipe Detonate pipebombs.
/+det255 Set detpack with 255 seconds to detonation.

Combat Medic

Command Description
/aura Toggle aura on/off.

Heavy Weapons Guy

Command Description
/lock Lock Assault Cannon (keep it spinning without firing).
/unlock Unlock Assault Cannon.
/+lock Lock Assault Cannon (keep it spinning without firing).


Command Description
/dlast Use last disguise.
/denemy Change color to enemy team (if two teams in game).
/dblue Change color to blue team.
/dred Change color to red team.
/dyellow Change color to yellow team.
/dgreen Change color to green team.
/dscout Change skin to Scout.
/dsniper Change skin to Sniper.
/dsoldier Change skin to Soldier.
/ddemoman Change skin to Demoman.
/dmedic Change skin to Medic.
/dhwguy Change skin to HWGuy.
/dpyro Change skin to Pyro.
/dengineer Change skin to Engineer.
/dreset Reset disguise.
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