Added: Review requests appear on IRC op channel.
Added: Can toggle whether player titles are shown on IRC.
Fixed: /undo not working from console.
Fixed: /cut not working if number of non-air blocks was in draw limit, but volume of copy area was greater than draw limit.
Fixed: /outline now works with custom blocks.
Fixed: /jail and /xjail actually work.
Fixed: IRC bot not joining registered channels due to joining them before server indicates the bot is authenticated.
Fixed: Double disconnection messages.
Fixed: /paste not working properly when paste origin was outside map.
Improved: Player position updates are now bulk grouped and sent as one packet, reducing bandwidth usage.
Improved: /banx now IP bans again.
Improved: /spin now accepts 180/270/-90/-180/-270 angles.
Improved: /whois is now nicer, also shows idle time.
Improved: Rotation is preserved when going to a portal in another map.
Improved: /baninfo shows if IP ban, also last ban/unban reason.
Improved: Can now partially match unloaded map names in commands.
Improved: /resetbot now also uses new irc server/port if it has changed.
Improved: /help for some methods, now also prints aliases.
Improved: Use faster pinvoke method, reduces memory allocation and time to save BlockDB.
Removed: /serverreport and /pcount, now part of /serverinfo.
Removed: /deltemprank, /temprankinfo, /tempranklist, now part of /temprank.
Removed: xcolor/xnick/xtitle/xtcolor/xmodel and make them alias to their actual commands, with the original commands now using an extra permission to affect bots and other players.
Removed: /promote and /demote, now alias to /setrank +up and /setrank -down.
Removed: /staff and /mods, just use /devs
Removed: Global chat.