The GIS / Mapping world is divided into desktop mappers (using Python) and web mappers (using JavaScript and other technologies, but mostly JavaScript).
Vanishing-Glass is an experiment to bridge the gap, and make interactive mapping and custom data maps accessible in 100% Python. The code is all client-side, so projects can be hosted via GitHub Pages.
An example map which adds a marker to a map. Python source
A more complex example, loading JSON from ArcGIS Server API.
Brython is an open source (New BSD License) framework to write web apps and client-side code in Python. is a web-mapping platform with JavaScript APIs and thousands of datasets.
Simple commands work
// JS: map.centerAndZoom( [ -70, 40 ], 11 );
More complex commands where JavaScript uses the 'new' keyword or anonymous functions are proving difficult:
// JS: new esri.geometry.Point( [-70, 40], { "wkid": 4326 } );
The workaround for using the 'new' keyword is currently using a JavaScript function to return an initialized object to the Brython script
// Old JS: new esri.geometry.Point( [-70, 40], { "wkid": 4326 } );
// New JS: ptmaker = function(lnglat, sr){ return new esri.geometry.Point( lnglat, sr ); };