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CirrusMD-Android-SDK-Example App

The CirrusMD SDK it an embeddable SDK. It enables customers of CirrusMD to provide the CirrusMD patient chat experience in their own applications. While the example application will work in a sandboxed environment when built, integrating the CirrusMD SDK into your own application will require you to be a CirrusMD customer. Integration requires a unique secret and SSO token to work correctly, however this example uses sandbox credentials for demo purposes. Please contact your CirrusMD account representative for more information.

Table of Contents


  • Project language: Kotlin or Java
  • minSdk: 26 (Since v11.2.0 of CirrusMD SDK)
  • targetSdk: 34 (Since v10.2.0 of CirrusMD SDK)
  • supportLibrary: AndroidX

Installing CirrusMDSDK in your own project

  1. Grab the latest release from Jitpack:
  2. Update your gradle config to handle/exclude video: Video/OpenTok
  3. Update your gradle config to handle/exclude Braze Push Notifications & In-app Messaging: Braze

Version 1.0.9+ note For this version and above you will need to include the following lines in your build.gradle file in order for the JWT to parse correctly:

    implementation 'com.github.CirrusMD:cirrusmd-android::CURRENT-VERSION'
    runtimeOnly 'io.jsonwebtoken:jjwt-impl:0.10.5'
    runtimeOnly('io.jsonwebtoken:jjwt-orgjson:0.10.5') {
        exclude group: 'org.json', module: 'json' //provided by Android natively

A cleaner solution will be available in a future release.

Basic Usage

Basic usage of of the CirrusMD SDK is very simple.

  1. Retrieve a token via SSO (See the details)
  2. Set the CirrusMD provided secret and context via CirrusMD.start(context: Context, secret: String)
  3. Set the retrieved token via CirrusMD.setSessionToken(token: String)
  4. After a CirrusDataEvents.Success event in CirrusMD.CirrusDataEventListener.onDataEvent get the Intent with CirrusMD.intent and use it to start the Activity

The details

In Java you can get the SDK instance with CirrusMD.INSTANCE.
In Kotlin you can call CirrusMD.

*** Do not cache CirrusMD provided JWTs ***

  1. Our team works with your technical staff to provide SSO for your patients using the CirrusMD platform. The CirrusMDSDK uses tokens retrieved via SSO from CirrusMD's SSO service. Each SSO integration is slightly customized based on your needs. In general, your backend service requests a token representing a patient from our SSO service which provides the token that should be set on the SDK.
  2. You have the option to set a CirrusDataEventListener for error and success events, as well as optionally providing customized error screens. This can be done with CirrusMD.cirrusDataEventListener = yourCirrusDataEventListener.
  3. Start the SDK with the secret and SSO token
  4. Once the SDK is started it will attempt to fetch the users profile. At this point you will either receive an error or success through the CirrusMD.CirrusDataEventListener.onDataEvent(CirrusDataEvents) method.
  5. On a successful event, you can use CirrusMD.intent to start the Activity.

Advanced Usage


The CirrusMD platform now uses AWS Chime for the video sessions. Because of this your app must either include the AWS Chime dependency or exclude the library altogether, depending on your video usage.

If you are unsure if your plan allows for video, please contact your CirrusMD account manager.

If your plan does NOT allow providers to start video chat, you can exclude the dependency entirely:

implementation('com.github.CirrusMD:cirrusmd-android:CURRENT-VERSION') {
    exclude group: '', module: 'amazon-chime-sdk'
    exclude group: '', module: 'amazon-chime-sdk-media'

IMPORTANT: If a video session is initiated while this dependency is excluded, the SDK WILL CRASH!.


CirrusMD.logout() should be called to log the user out of the SDK when they sign out of your application. Logging the user out destroys the associated CirrusMD server session, unregisters the device from CirrusMD delivered push notifications if previously registered, and also closes any connected web sockets.

Event/Error Handling

NOTE: The old CirrusMD.CirrusListener has been deprecated and was removed in v11.0.0. CirrusDataEventListener is now being used to track events.

Through the CirrusMD.CirrusDataEventListener.onDataEvent interface method, you can receive one of the following events:

  • LoggedOut: The current user session was logged out
  • Success: The SDK was provided a valid JWT and secret token and was able to make a request
  • UserInteraction: The user is interacting with the SDK. This event is dispatched when an activity's onUserInteraction() is called
  • Error: Error related events:
    • InvalidJwt: An improperly formatted JWT was provided
    • InvalidSecret: An improperly formatted secret token was provided
    • MissingJwt: The SDK was presented without a JWT set
    • MissingSecret: The SDK was presented without a Secret set
    • ConnectionError: There was an HTTP exception not otherwise specified
    • AuthenticationError: There was an authentication failure on a network request
    • UnknownError: This is the generic catch for errors that could not be identified
  • VideoSessionEvents: Video session related events:
    • ConnectionStatus: Video session connection events

Custom Colors And Drawables

The following colors are used in the SDK, but can be overridden.

    // These colors are used throughout the app. Mostly used for accents/buttons
    <color name="cirrus_primary">#1A9AF2</color>
    <color name="cirrus_primary_dark">#0E5985</color>
    <color name="cirrus_secondary">#06CCBE</color>
    <color name="cirrus_tertiary">#39FEEE</color>
    <color name="back_button">#FFFFFF</color>

    // These are used for the queue status bar/details screens
    <color name="cirrus_off_hours">#4a4a4a</color>
    <color name="cirrus_unassigned">#0c4c78</color>
    <color name="cirrus_assigned">#44db5e</color>

    // These are used throughout the app in alert/warning style events
    <color name="cirrus_success">#44db5e</color>
    <color name="cirrus_warning">#daaf0f</color>
    <color name="cirrus_error">#DD0000</color>

Currently the only drawable intended to be overridden is ic_welcome.xml which is the clapping hands vector image on the welcome screen. If you would like to completely remove it, you can add a drawable file with the same name no information within it.

    <selector xmlns:android="" /> 

Night Theme Support

In v10.3.0 of the CirrusMD SDK, we introduced support for Night/Dark theme!

We have introduced a new configurable variable to the SDK, CirrusMD.allowDarkMode, which will allow our CirrusMD SDK to follow the system's theme dynamically. Currently, there is no way for the user to control this from our SDK directly, BUT turning on this configuration will make our SDK follow the user's device settings for Day/Night theme. By default, this flag is set to false, so no work is required on the consuming end, if the desired UI is to remain the same. However, if you plan to enable this feature, we recommend having your Night theme color palette ready, and creating a /values-night/colors.xml file in your project. You can then override the colors you want to permeate throughout the CirrusMD SDK, otherwise it will default to our CirrusMD brand color for dark theme #7209B7


// turn on Dark/Night Theme when configuring the CirrusMD SDK:
allowDarkMode = true

// Explicitly override cirrus_primary and cirrus_primary_dark in your values/colors.xml file
    <color name="colorPrimary">#3a6ba7</color>     // blue
    <color name="colorPrimaryDark">#234171</color>
    <color name="colorAccent">#23caca</color>

    <!--  Specifying Day Theme colors explicitly. Otherwise, the night mode primary colors will default to CirrusMD's default -->
    <color name="cirrus_primary">@color/colorPrimary</color>
    <color name="cirrus_primary_dark">@color/colorPrimaryDark</color>

// Then, create a values-night/colors.xml file, and explicitly override cirrus_primary and cirrus_primary_dark
    <color name="colorPrimary">#CC1800</color>     // red
    <color name="colorPrimaryDark">#660C00</color>
    <color name="colorAccent">#FFD2CC</color>

    <!--  Specifying Night Theme color explicitly. Otherwise, the night mode primary colors will default to CirrusMD's default -->
    <color name="cirrus_primary">@color/colorPrimary</color>
    <color name="cirrus_primary_dark">@color/colorPrimaryDark</color>

Additional Night theme documentation:

Custom Status Views

Ideally, your patients always see a working messages view when you start the Activity from CirrusMD.intent. However, there are certain times when we're unable to show messages.

The first is when CirrusMD.logout() has been called. In that case they will not see the logged out view because they will be logged out of your application as well. You should log them back into the SDK when they next log back into your application.

The second is when the SDK is unable to verify the secret, the token or there is another issue (ie network) starting the SDK. In either case, an error view is shown. We recommend you handle all errors through CirrusDataEventListener prior to starting the Activity from CirrusMD.intent if possible. Doing so will provide a better experience for your user. Some errors may happen after the Activity is already on screen. In that case, error view is displayed.

Two screens displayed by the SDK have default views that can be overridden via the CirrusMD.CirrusDataEventListener.viewForError() interface method. We strongly recommend that you provide your own custom views for both cases. Because the CirrusMDSDK uses SSO to authenticate your patients, we are unable to provide logged out UI that helps the patient log back in. By providing your patients with a custom logout out view you can, for example, provide relevant messaging and a button to log back in using the same SSO you implemented to log them in originally. Every time the error view is shown the resolution is retrieving a new SSO token and setting it via CirrusMDSDK.start(token, secret). Providing a custom error view gives you the ability to display relevant messaging and interactions the user can take, most likely a button to re-attempt SSO.

When an error view would be displayed, errors will also be delivered to the CirrusMD.CirrusDataEventListener.onDataEvent interface if you would like to handle the error entirely outside of the CirrusMD SDK.

By default they will look similar to the screens below:

The default logged out screen is shown after you call CirrusMD.logout().

The error screen can be shown for several reasons, such as providing an expired token or invalid secret.

Providing custom views of both the logged out view and error view happens via the currently set CirrusMD.CirrusDataEventListener.

Push notifications

If you would like for your app to receive push notifications for the SDK you will need to call CirrusMD.setPushToken(token) AFTER you have successfully called CirrusMD.setSessionToken(token: String) and received a CirrusDataEvents.Success event in the CirrusMD.CirrusDataEventListener.onDataEvent interface.

Example implementation using FirebaseInstanceId:

override fun onDataEvent(event: CirrusDataEvents) {
    when (event) {
        CirrusDataEvents.Success -> fetchPushToken() // fetch push token here
        CirrusDataEvents.UserInteraction -> onUserInteraction()
        CirrusDataEvents.LoggedOut -> onLoggedOut()
        is CirrusDataEvents.VideoSessionEvents.SessionError -> onEventError("Exception: ${event.exception}, Attributes: ${event.errorMap}")
        else -> onError()

private fun fetchPushToken() {
            .addOnCompleteListener {
                val newPushToken = it.result?.token
                if (newPushToken != null) {

The method of notification delivery is different for each SDK consumer.

The notifications from CirrusMD contain a JSON payload similar to this:

     "stream_id": "j3kj4l-98f0s0fd9-d5b9s7jk6",
     "event": "message:new"

The SDK provides a NotificationMetaData interface class, which can be used to pass this information in via the CirrusMD.shouldShowNotification(metaData: NotificationMetaData) and CirrusMD.onPushNotificationSelected(metaData: NotificationMetaData) functions. There is also a CirrusMD.shouldShowNotification(streamId: String, event: String) convenience function available, which maps those strings to a NotificationMetaData object and then calls CirrusMD.shouldShowNotification(metaData: NotificationMetaData).

When your app receives a push notification from CirrusMD, the CirrusMD.shouldShowNotification functions can be used to help determine if the notification should be displayed.

Once a user taps on a notification the CirrusMD.onPushNotificationSelected(metaData: NotificationMetaData) function can be used to navigate to the channel (stream) associated to the notification. If CirrusMD.intent is not currently started, it will open to the selected stream when it is started.

Example implementation in a FirebaseMessagingService:

class ExampleFcmListenerService : FirebaseMessagingService() {

    override fun onNewToken(token: String) {
        if (token.isNotEmpty()) CirrusMD.setPushToken(token)

    override fun onMessageReceived(remoteMessage: RemoteMessage) {
        val id =[CirrusMD.NOTIFICATION_KEY_STREAM_ID] ?: ""
        val type =[CirrusMD.NOTIFICATION_KEY_EVENT_TYPE] ?: ""

        if (CirrusMD.shouldShowNotification(id, type)) {
            sendNotification("message"), id, type)

    private fun sendNotification(message: String?, id: String, event: String) {
        val defaultSoundUri = RingtoneManager.getDefaultUri(RingtoneManager.TYPE_NOTIFICATION)
        val notificationBuilder: NotificationCompat.Builder
        val contentText: String = message ?: ""

        // IMPORTANT: This line is important if you want tapping on push notifications to automatically open the SDK within your app (assuming it's already been started)
        val intent = CirrusMD.intent ?: Intent(this,

        intent.putExtra(CirrusMD.NOTIFICATION_KEY_STREAM_ID, id)
        intent.putExtra(CirrusMD.NOTIFICATION_KEY_EVENT_TYPE, event)
        val pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, intent,

        notificationBuilder = NotificationCompat.Builder(this, CHANNEL_INCOMING_MESSAGE)

        val notificationManager = getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE) as NotificationManager?
        if (notificationManager != null) {

    private fun initChannels(manager: NotificationManager) {
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 26) {
            val appName = applicationContext.applicationInfo.labelRes
            val channel = NotificationChannel(CHANNEL_INCOMING_MESSAGE, getString(appName), NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_HIGH)

    companion object {
        var NOTIFICATION_ID = 904523

        private const val CHANNEL_INCOMING_MESSAGE = "channel-inc-message"

Debug Logging

By default, debug logging is turned OFF, but can be turned ON. When debug logging is turned ON, the SDK will print extensive logging around network requests, network responses, state changes, and other useful information to Logcat. The availability of Debug Logging is controlled by the CirrusMD Object.

NOTE: Debug Logging defaults to be disabled. To turn Debug Logging ON, set CirrusMD.enableDebugLogging = true, before calling any other functions on the SDK.

    CirrusMD.enableDebugLogging = true

Enable Settings View

There is an optional Settings view that you can allow your users to have access to. The Settings view, when enabled, is accessed via a 'gear' button in the SDK's toolbar. This Settings view allows the user to view and edit their profile, medical history, dependents, permissions, and Terms of Use / Privacy Policy. The Settings view also allows the user to manually log out of the CirrusMDSDK. The availability of the Settings view is controlled by the CirrusMD Object.

NOTE: The Settings view defaults to be disabled. To turn the Settings view ON, set CirrusMD.enableSettings = true, before calling any other functions on the SDK.

    CirrusMD.enableSettings = true

Enable Debug Fragment in Settings

There is an optional Debug view that you can use for development ONLY, and you must have the Settings view enabled. This view, when enabled, is accessed via the 'gear' button in the SDK's toolbar, and then it will appear as an option in the list of settings. This view allows developers to view debug infomation, that might be helpful during development. The availability of the Debug view is controlled by the CirrusMD Object.

NOTE: You must have the Settings view enabled and then also enable the debug fragment view. To turn the Debug view ON, set CirrusMD.enableSettings = true AND CirrusMD.enableDebugFragmentInSettings = true, before calling any other functions on the SDK.

    CirrusMD.enableSettings = true
    CirrusMD.enableDebugFragmentInSettings = true

Enable User Sign Out

The CirrusMDSDK can support a user signing out of the SDK If you have the Settings view enabled. When User Sign Out is enabled, they will see a sign out option, in the SDK's settings, that allows them leave the SDK, and there by, removing a user's push notification token and session token. Support for User Sign Out is controlled by the CirrusMD Object

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you allow your user to sign out of the SDK, you must re-initialize the SDK before attempting to give the user access to it!

OTHER NOTES: The User Sign Out feature defaults to disabled. To turn this feature ON, set CirrusMD.enableSettings = true AND CirrusMD.enableUserLogOut = true, before calling any other functions on the SDK.

    CirrusMD.enableSettings = true
    CirrusMD.enableUserLogOut = true

Enable Dependents View

The CirrusMDSDK can support a user having dependents that can chat under their guarantor's account. When dependents support is enabled and a user has dependents, they will see a 'silhouette/dependents' button, in the SDK's toolbar, that allows them to switch to chatting as that dependent. Support for dependents is controlled by the CirrusMD Object

NOTE: The Dependent Profiles view defaults to be disabled. To turn the Dependent Profiles view ON, set CirrusMD.enableDependentProfiles = true, before calling any other functions on the SDK.

    CirrusMD.enableDependentProfiles = true

Set the User Agent Prefix String

The CirrusMDSDK allows the addition of a prefix to the User Agent that is sent on network requests.

NOTE: The User Agent Prefix defaults to an empty String. To set your own User Agent Prefix, set CirrusMD.userAgentPrefix = "YOUR_CUSTOM_PREFIX", before calling any other functions on the SDK.

    CirrusMD.userAgentPrefix = "YOUR_CUSTOM_PREFIX"

Credential ID

We have introduced a new listener to the SDK, CredentialIdListener, which will be triggered once the patient's credential ID has been retrieved.

NOTE: Create your own CredentialIdListener before calling any other functions on the SDK.

    CirrusMD.credentialIdListener = object : CredentialIdListener {
        override fun onCredentialIdReady(id: String) {

External Channels

The host application has the ability to fetch and navigate to the list of channels available to the currently authenticated user.

Calling CirrusMD.channels() will return a List<Pair<String, String>> which contains the channel information for the current user. These can be used to display the channels with a custom UI anywhere in the host application.

  1. Pair.first represents the channel ID.
  2. Pair.second represents the channel name.

When a user selects a channel CirrusMD.navigateToChannel(id: String) can be called to navigate to the selected channel. The argument is Pair.first from the selected item in the list of channels from CirrusMD.channels(). Once this is called, the SDK will navigate to the selected channel or will default to the selected channel when it is displayed.

Debug Fragment

You can use CirrusMD.debugFragment() to get a Fragment that will display some basic debugging information. For example it can confirm that the session token and/or push token has been correctly set and that the expected user is logged in. This Fragment should NEVER be shown to an end user and is only to be used for development and debugging.

Cirrus Actions

As of v9.2.0 of the Cirrus SDK, we have introduced CirrusActions which our SDK will respond to. For now, the only action available is CirrusActions.FINISH_ACTIVITY, which will tell our CirrusActivity to finish itself. In the future, we plan on expanding these actions, so stay tuned.

You can send a CirrusActions event using the CirrusMD object:


Spanish Localization

In v10.1.0 of the CirrusMD SDK, we introduced support for Spanish localization. This feature includes:

  • Automatic translation of the CirrusMD SDK.
  • A "Language" tab in the CirrusMD SDK Settings, which navigates user to the device's locale settings
  • Real time translation support when chatting with a doctor. The device's language must be set to Spanish (es, es-US, or any other spanish locale), AND this feature must be enabled in CirrusMD's Manage settings.
  • Accessibility announcements for translated messages, when using talk-back

Please contact your CirrusMD account representative for more information.

Pinned Banner

In v11.7.0 of the CirrusMD SDK, we introduced a pinned banner feature. This feature allows you to pin a banner to the top of the home, chat, and settings screens. The banner contains 2 different behaviors:

  1. An info banner message that can be used to display important but brief messages to the user.
  2. An action modal that can be used to display a list of information that the user can interact with. Example: Display helpful phone numbers, URLs, other useful information etc.

Once the banner is initialized, it will remain present at all times in the mentioned screens.

CirrusMD.pinnedBanner = CirrusMDPinnedBanner(
    infoBannerMessage = "My custom info banner message", // Optional
    actionModal = CirrusMDActionModal(                   // Optional
        bannerTitle = "My custom banner title",
        modalTitle = "My custom modal title",
        modalHeader = "My custom modal header",
        modalSubHeader = "My custom modal sub header",
        contactOptions = listOf(
                CirrusMDContactIcon.PHONE,  // Icons available: PHONE, TEXT, CHAT, TTY, LINK, NONE
                "Phone",                    // text to be displayed and hyperlinked
                "tel:8005555555"            // hyperlink
                "My custom list header"

Support Library Versions

The current version of the CirrusMD SDK is build with version 28.0.0 of the Android Support Library. If your app requires a different version than what is included, you will need to exclude that package and then import the required packages using your version. However, we do not test against all versions and this could cause problems.

Android 13 Permission Updates

With Android 13's permission updates, we've changed permission declarations in our AndroidManifest.xml file. Our SDK now requests permissions during runtime, according to the version running on the device.

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" android:maxSdkVersion="32" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_MEDIA_IMAGES" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS" />
    <uses-permission android:name=""/>

If your app still uses WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE or READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, we recommend that you set android:maxSdkVersion="32" on these permissions (as shown above), since these are or will be deprecated, and can conflict with permission handling on Android 13 devices.

SDK Size

The SDK adds roughly 22mb with video and 4mb without video. See here for video details




CirrusMD-Android-SDK-Example is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

CirrusMD SDK is available under the XXXX license. See the LICENSE file for more info.