A figure to show the major contributors of new data in the IntAct database over time.
IntAct (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/intact) is a database of protein interactions. In computational terms one interaction is an edge between two nodes in a graph. Each node is a protein, each edge is a report of this protein interaction. The data in IntAct comes from the scientific literature. One paper might contribute a single interaction, or tens of thousands to the database.
It should be possible to run the script on almost any computers where python 3 is installed. it also needs python dependencies,
pandas, installation documentation, if you have pip installed, please run pip3 install pandas
matplotlib, installation documentation.\
Unzip the folder
convert.py - to convert a huge file from txt format to csv format
mycsv.csv - a csv file as a result from convert.py
IntAct.py - a python file which is implementing all functions to visualization data\
Run the script with provided mycsv file a figture will pop up to your screen.
Aim and Backgroud are edited by Henning Hermjakob.