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Christiaanvandertol authored Oct 6, 2017
1 parent da9bc40 commit d359343
Showing 1 changed file with 222 additions and 0 deletions.
222 changes: 222 additions & 0 deletions soltir_tp7.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
function [wn,wl,Tall] = soltir_tp7(filename)

% soltir_tp7 Reads MODTRAN tp7 file and applies a new MIT algorithm to derive
% 18 spectral functions for atmospheric correction and simulations at BOA
% and TOA

% This function reads a MODTRAN tp7 output file that contains data for 4
% runs with different albedos a:
% For a = 0.5 at ground altitude
% For a = 1.0 at ground altitude
% For a = 0.0 at TOA
% For a = 1.0 at TOA
% From the MODTRAN outputs 18 atmospheric properties are derived,
% named t1...t18
% The radiance data are converted into units of mW m-2 sr-1 nm-1
% © Wouter Verhoef 2011-2014

fid = fopen(filename,'r');
modname = filename(1:size(filename,2)-4);
outname = [modname '.atm'];

for i = 1:7, fgetl(fid); end

rline = str2num(fgetl(fid));
tts = rline(4);
cts = cosd(tts);

s = fgetl(fid);
rline = sscanf(s,'%10f',3);
wns = rline(1); wne = rline(2); wstep = rline(3);
nw = int32((wne-wns)/wstep)+1;

datarec = zeros(nw,15,4); % MODTRAN5.2.1 tp7 15 column output format
Tall = zeros(nw,18); % 18 output spectra

fgetl(fid); fgetl(fid);

for ipass = 1:4
for il=1:nw
for j = 1:12, fgetl(fid); end

wn = datarec(:,1,1);
fac = wn.*wn;
wl = 1e7./wn;
wls = wl(nw);
wle = wl(1);

% MIT algorithm supporting fluorescence retrievals
% Wout Verhoef Sept. 2011

% Support all applications, T-18 system
% OpT in heavy absorption bands now estimnated from Planck Tb at 6500 nm
% Wout Verhoef Oct. - Nov. 2012

% Constants of Planck function

c1 = 1.191066e-22;
c2 = 14388.33;

tran_boa = datarec(:,2,1);
tran_toa = datarec(:,2,3);

too = tran_toa;

toasun = datarec(:,14,4).*fac/pi*cts; % = Eso cos(tts) / pi


grfl50_boa = datarec(:,7,1).*fac;
sfem50 = datarec(:,4,1).*fac;
sfem0_boa = 2*sfem50;
grfl100_boa = datarec(:,7,2).*fac;
delgtot_boa = grfl100_boa-sfem0_boa;
crdd = (grfl50_boa-sfem50)./(grfl100_boa-grfl50_boa-sfem50);

rdd = max(0,1-crdd);

OpT = crdd.*delgtot_boa./tran_boa;

% OpT at 6500 nm is used to estimate brightness temperature of La(b), which
% is used to get a minimum radiance where O is zero

wlp = 6500;
Lp = interp1(wl,OpT,wlp,'nearest');
Tp = c2/(wlp*1e-3*log(1+c1*(wlp*1e-9)^(-5)/Lp));
Lmin = c1*(wl*1e-9).^(-5)./(exp(c2./(wl*1e-3*Tp))-1);


grfl100_toa = datarec(:,7,4).*fac;
sfem0 = datarec(:,4,3).*fac;
delgtot_toa = grfl100_toa - sfem0;
OpTtran = crdd.*delgtot_toa;
path100 = datarec(:,5,4).*fac;
path0 = datarec(:,5,3).*fac;

rso = path0./toasun;

delpath = path100 - path0;
ptem100 = datarec(:,3,4).*fac;
ptem0 = datarec(:,3,3).*fac;
delptem = max(0,ptem100-ptem0);
delatmo = delpath + delptem;

iT = (wl > 4600);
ia = (~iT & delpath == 0) | (iT & delptem == 0);

fO = delpath./(delatmo+1e-60).*~ia + ~iT.*ia;
fT = delptem./(delatmo+1e-60).*~ia + iT.*ia;

O = fO.*OpT;
T = fT.*OpT;

% Correct cases where T = 0

i0 = (T == 0);
T(i0) = Lmin(i0);
fT(i0) = T(i0)./OpT(i0);
Ttran = fT.*OpTtran;
Otran = OpTtran-Ttran;

tdo = delatmo./(delgtot_toa+1e-6).*tran_toa;

tdo(ia) = 0;

gsun100_toa = datarec(:,8,4).*fac;
gsun100_boa = datarec(:,8,2).*fac;

tsstoo = gsun100_toa./toasun;
tss = gsun100_boa./toasun;
tsdM = O./toasun-tss;

tsdM(ia) = 0;

% Apply log regression to predict tsd from tdo, too, tss, and wl

Ir = (wl>1500 & wl<1700) | (wl>2100 & wl<2300) | ...
(wl>3950 & wl<4100);
y = log(tsdM(Ir)./tss(Ir))-log(tdo(Ir)./too(Ir));
x = log(wl(Ir));
n = size(x,1);
xm = sum(x)/n;
ym = sum(y)/n;
a = (x-xm)'*(y-ym)/((x-xm)'*(x-xm));
b = ym-a*xm;
p = a*log(wl)+b;
tsdp = tss.*tdo./(too+1e-60).*exp(p);

% weight proportional to delatmo squared

wgtM = delatmo.^2;

tsd = (wgtM.*tsdM+tsdp)./(wgtM+1);

fsun = (tss+1e-60)./(tss+1e-60+tsd);
iH = (wl>2600);

tsdtoo = Otran./toasun-tsstoo;
tsdtoo(iH) = tsd(iH).*too(iH);

tssrddtoo = tsstoo.*rdd;
toordd = too.*rdd;
tssrdd = tss.*rdd;
tsstdo = fsun.*delpath.*crdd./toasun;
tsdtdo = (1-fsun).*delpath.*crdd./toasun;
Lat = ptem0-sfem0_boa./crdd.*tdo;
Lab = T+sfem0_boa.*crdd;
Labtoo = Ttran+crdd.*sfem0_boa.*too;
Labtdo = crdd.*(delptem+sfem0_boa.*tdo);

Tall = [toasun rso rdd tss tsd too tdo tsstoo tsdtoo tsstdo tsdtdo ...
tssrdd toordd tssrddtoo Lat Lab Labtoo Labtdo];


% Verification against MODTRAN

% pt0 = Lat;
% pt100 = Lat+Labtdo./(1-rdd);
% pa0 = rso.*toasun;
% pa100 = toasun.*(rso+(tsstdo+tsdtdo)./(1-rdd));
% gb50 = (toasun*.5.*(tss+(2*tsd+tssrdd)./(2-rdd))+Lab./(2-rdd)).*tran_boa;
% gb100 = (toasun.*(tss+tsd)./(1-rdd)+Lab./(1-rdd)).*tran_boa;
% gt100 = toasun.*(tsstoo+(tsdtoo+tssrddtoo)./(1-rdd))+Labtoo./(1-rdd);
% gs100 = toasun.*tsstoo;

% Write data to output file

str1=' WN (cm-1) WL (nm) ';
str2=' T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 ';
str3=' T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 T13 T14 ';
str4=' T15 T16 T17 T18';
str5=[' toasun rso rdd tss tsd too' ...
' tdo tsstoo tsdtoo tsstdo tsdtdo tssrdd' ...
' toordd tssrddtoo Lat Lab Labtoo Labtdo'];
str=[str1 str2 str3 str4];

for i = 1:nw
str = sprintf('%9.2f',wn(i));
str = [str sprintf('%10.3f',wl(i))];
str = [str sprintf('%10.5f',Tall(i,1))];
str = [str sprintf('%10.6f',Tall(i,2:14));];
a = sprintf('%14.6e',Tall(i,15:18));
str = [str a];



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