Release 2024.10.31
101 commits
to main
since this release
What's Changed
🚀 Features
- implement dynamic shortcut list sizing by @cartercanedy in #668
- Separate browser scripts by @nnyyxxxx in #648
- feat: Drastically increase the operating system support for USB creation script by @lj3954 in #828
- added waterfox browser by @hexisXz in #700
- feat(fedora): release upgrade script by @Angxddeep in #886
- feat(docker-setup): fedora support by @Angxddeep in #707
- 🖍️ feat(arch-setup): enable colors and the easter egg in
by @adamperkowski in #890
🐛 Bug Fixes
- fix: package installation on Debian & Fedora by @adamperkowski in #669
- Fixed VSCode AUR package by @adamperkowski in #663
- Fix AutoLogin
issues by @adamperkowski in #662 - updating Gaming For Fedora 41 by @Nightmare1984 in #681
- Add descriptions to the Applications Setup section and Auto Mount Drive by @CarsBeck in #680
- fix: do not hard depend on sudo being installed by @plurpio in #671
- Auto power profiling in arch needs to run an extra command. by @guruswarupa in #655
- add git as a dep by @nnyyxxxx in #649
- fix: bash deps by @jeevithakannan2 in #763
- fix: github release notes not working by @adamperkowski in #884
- 🤖 fix(waydroid-setup): not installing
on arch by @adamperkowski in #881 - fix: ssh commands by @nnyyxxxx in #733
- fix issues with set brightness by @nnyyxxxx in #747
- do not exit linutil in confirmation prompt when q is pressed by @nnyyxxxx in #758
- fix: fedora timeshift by @nnyyxxxx in #774
- fix(nala): remove autoclean from
by @AngelosGian in #697 - fix: Common script paths by @jeevithakannan2 in #717
- fix(browsers): vivaldi setup by @leventbesli in #718
- fix: btrfs issue by @jeevithakannan2 in #728
- fix the repo by @adamperkowski in #889
⚙️ Refactoring
- 🧹 fix+refact(system-cleanup) by @adamperkowski in #856
- make command_exists interpret multiple values by @nnyyxxxx in #762
- perf(paru-setup): use
packages for faster installation by @nnyyxxxx in #748
- organize shortcut list into a grid-like-pattern by @nnyyxxxx in #721
- fix color bleeding by @nnyyxxxx in #723
- return user to their previous position if they exit a subdir by @nnyyxxxx in #725
- sort entries alphabetically by @nnyyxxxx in #726
- allow scrolling past last entry / first entry by @nnyyxxxx in #727
- dont allow scrolling when last line is visible by @nnyyxxxx in #729
- clear the search bar if the user changes categories by @nnyyxxxx in #752
- dont allow the user to bring up the command desc if there is none by @nnyyxxxx in #753
- chore: Add spacing before and after for tui titles by @jeevithakannan2 in #706
📚 Documentation
- ⚙️ refact(release): better categories by @adamperkowski in #876
- ⚖️ docs: fix the security policy by @adamperkowski in #883
- Update by @jeevithakannan2 in #875
🧰 GitHub Actions
- fix(ci): run rust checks on all Cargo.toml changes by @jeevithakannan2 in #866
- ci: Seperate preview from Linutil Release by @jeevithakannan2 in #792
- ci: Remove unnecessary auto commit by @jeevithakannan2 in #791
🦀 Rust
- Bump clap from 4.5.17 to 4.5.18 by @dependabot in #660
- Bump unicode-width from 0.1.13 to 0.2.0 by @dependabot in #661
- Bump tree-sitter-highlight from 0.23.0 to 0.24.2 by @dependabot in #780
- Bump clap from 4.5.18 to 4.5.19 by @dependabot in #781
- Replace
by @bmwiedemann in #878
Other Changes
- Restore behaviour of closing the pop-up with "q" by @afonsofrancof in #634
- Fix: Selected-cmd bug by @jeevithakannan2 in #638
- fix: fixing setup flatpak script path in slack and zoom script in communication setup by @harshv5094 in #641
- Use the neovim app image for debian 12 by @nnyyxxxx in #642
- feat: Add scroll by @jeevithakannan2 in #643
- refactor meld by @nnyyxxxx in #644
- remove extra space by @nnyyxxxx in #645
- use --needed so reinstalls dont happen by @nnyyxxxx in #647
- Separate the office suites and pdf suites by @nnyyxxxx in #650
- Feat: confirmation prompts by @cartercanedy in #687
- Fixed nala update error by @pik4li in #692
- fix(meta): bump crates versions to
by @adamperkowski in #693 - Add description to the System Setup section by @CarsBeck in #694
- fix: uuid retrieve bug by @jeevithakannan2 in #696
- New Feature : Setting Default TTY Fonts to Terminus Fonts by @blusewill in #698
- fix(terminus-tty): add an
packager exception by @adamperkowski in #710 - Update linutil cargo lock version by @jeevithakannan2 in #716
- fix(ci):
. again. will work all the time this time i swear. by @adamperkowski in #715 - docs: automated dynamic gif previews using
by @adamperkowski in #736 - remove
by @adamperkowski in #737 - fix: add vt100 patches by @adamperkowski in #743
- security patch: temp-dir by @jeevithakannan2 in #749
- 🖥️ refact(linutil.desktop): executable paths by @adamperkowski in #782
- ✏️ fix: ALL typos by @adamperkowski in #775
- ✅ ci: add a spellcheck typos CI by @adamperkowski in #776
- Made popup title customizable. The Script's preview title is now its command name by @afonsofrancof in #633
- Emit all shellcheck errors using github action toolkit annotations and check for tab indentation by @cartercanedy in #658
- fix: Remove quotes for packages by @jeevithakannan2 in #695
- missing script in toml file + refactoring - Monitor Control by @guruswarupa in #746
- refact: vhs github action by @jeevithakannan2 in #745
- 📃 fix(system-cleanup): pacman orphan package removal by @adamperkowski in #744
- refact: remove snaps by @jeevithakannan2 in #756
- 📃 fix(grub-theme): theme backup by @adamperkowski in #740
- 📔 docs: auto generation by @adamperkowski in #784
- 📔 docs: add a manpage by @adamperkowski in #783
- 📃 fix(zsh-setup): check if
exists by @adamperkowski in #771 - ✔️ hotfix(ci):
in the xtasks CI by @adamperkowski in #785 - 📃 fix(monitor setup): a bug with utility-functions; newlines & colors in the scripts by @adamperkowski in #713
- 🦀 allow exiting out of search mode with
by @adamperkowski in #768 - 📖 add auto docs generation instructions to the Contributing Guidelines by @adamperkowski in #788
- 📖 fix(docs): newlines in
by @adamperkowski in #796 - ⬇️ feat: desktop entry & manpage installation through
by @adamperkowski in #802 - refact(ci): ShellCheck by @jeevithakannan2 in #887
- fix: cargo.lock fixes by @jeevithakannan2 in #891
New Contributors
- @CarsBeck made their first contribution in #680
- @plurpio made their first contribution in #671
- @pik4li made their first contribution in #692
- @blusewill made their first contribution in #698
- @hexisXz made their first contribution in #700
- @bmwiedemann made their first contribution in #878
- @AngelosGian made their first contribution in #697
- @leventbesli made their first contribution in #718
Full Changelog: 2024.09.28...2024.10.31