This workshop was initially developed for graduate students of the BioMove Research Training Group and is made available for re-use and adaptation in other contexts.
- Acquire a detailed overview of modern standards and methods in data-driven ecological research
- Gain practical experience in working with heterogeneous ecological datasets, databases, code versioning, optimization, parallel processing and data visualization
- Be able to develop and carry out your own data-centered research projects with a view on time efficiency, reproducibility and collaboration
- Familiarity with the R Statistical Programming Environment
- Current Version of RStudio (> v1.4) and R (> v4.0)
- Local Git installation and access to an online Git hosting platform such as GitHub or GitLab
Duration: 2.5 days, 8 blocks, 1.5h each
Target audience: Advanced Master's students and PhD candidates in quantitative branches ecology and biodiversity science
Number of participants: max. 15
License CC-BY-4.0