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The Coding Train Challenges

Initially this ports of The Coding Train Challenges by Daniel Shiffman were used for testing SDL2 and creating a basic engine in FPC/Lazarus in CHXPas. But after doing many challenges, I moved them to their own repository.

Basically, Processing code is ported "as is", althougth it is not very optimized or Pascal friendly. The main changes are:

  • No Garbage Collector, so reserved dynamic memory and objects are freed manually.
  • Processing's Draw is splitted in cCTCEng Compute and Draw methods.
    • cCTCEng.Compute: To update program state.
    • cCTCEng.Draw: Usually to implement Show/Draw methods of created classes.
  • Console output is displayed in SDL Window, although we can create applications with a console window and WriteLn (and ReadLn) strings.
  • HUE colors are changed to grayscales, at least until a RGB(A)<->HSL/V(A) function is implemented.

Some day, maybe, improved and better "Pascalized" version of programs and classes will be done while ucSDL2Engine is evolving as needed.


This is the main base program to simulate Processing. To use it simply open and Save Proyect As... with a new name. NOTE: Doing this only updates unit folders in current build mode, then you must copy then to the other in project options.

This is not the prefered way of using cCHXSDL2Engine; because in Pascal every class is in its own unit usually (unless it's a package), instead creating a child class in main program file.

Pascal doesn't have Garbage Collector as is, so allocated memory and objects must be freed. In FPC, we can make reference counted interfaced objects wich can autofree, but it's easier free them manually.

ExitProg var is used to Finish the program in Compute and HandleEvent.

Processing's Draw is splited in Compute and Draw. Both are called every frame. Compute has FrameTime var with millisecond passed between frames.

The pourpose of Draw in the main program is for implementation of Show/Draw/etc. methods of classes. I'm not sure wich is the best way to implement them in this ports. (pass SDLRenderer as parameter or as property of an common ancestor class).

Some Events are listed and commented out to have an easy reference, and window events and any quit event is handled automatically. Some basic interface components handle automatically their related events. If not overrided or already handled some default keys are defined:

  • Esc key is mapped to exit the program.
  • F11 will toggle to show framerate in window title.
  • Tab change current focused component.

If window is resized, SDL Renderer automatically stretch image to its actual size. If soft renderer is used it will be scaled by integer values, because it shows vertical black stripes on some gfx primitives ¿?.


Here are the coding challenges ported. Sorted by when they were ported.

# Name Comments
CTC001 Starfield Testing SDL_RenderXXX and SDL_GFX functions. Manual tweak of simple coordinates tranformations (PMM)
CTC004 Purple Rain
CTC005 Space Invaders
CTC003 The Snake Game First Keyboard event handling
CTC006 Mitosis Simulation First Mouse event handling
CTC010 Maze Generator
CTC013 Reaction Diffusion Algorithm Direct renderer pixel access. (Redone later with direct texture pixel access)
CTC015 Object-Oriented Fractal Trees
CTC017 Space Colonization
CTC019 Superellipse First UI pseudo-component, a TrackBar.
CTC021 Mandelbrot Direct texture pixel access. (And redone later with direct renderer pixel access)
CTC022 Julia Set
CTC023 2D Supershapes
CTC027 Fireworks (2D)
CTC028 Metaballs
CTC031 Flappy Bird First program with text, so a way to render text was implemented.
CTC033 Poisson-disc Sampling
CTC034 Diffusion-Limited Aggregation
CTC035.1 Traveling Salesperson (Random Swap) SDL_RenderDrawLines vs polygonColor
CTC035.2 Lexicographic Order
CTC035.3 Traveling Salesperson (Lexicographic Order) Speeding things up in compute with a fixed number of itertions, some day this will be changed to dynamic.
CTC035.4 Traveling Salesperson (Genetic Algorithm) First genetic algorittm ported
CTC036 Blobby! I had to implement a Perlin noise algorithm...
This time from [Hugo Elias](
CTC037 Diastic Machine Implemented raw user text input. We can show console... but result is shown in SDL Window.
CTC038 Word Interactor First actual UI components and their events. A TextEdit and a Button components.
CTC039 Mad Libs Generator Using Local data and no RegExp
CTC040.1 Word Counter (P5) It's the same as CTC040.2, implemented as CTC040_2
CTC040.2 Word Counter (Processing) It's the same as CTC040.1
CTC042.1 Markov Chain Github code is a little different from the video algorithm
CTC042.2 Markov Chain Name Generator
CTC044 AFINN-111 Sentiment Analysis It's easier read .txt file in Pascal.
CTC046 Asteroids Manual tweak of PMM manipulations.


Reasons to skip:

# Reason Name
CTC002 3D Menger Sponge Fractal
CTC007 PMM Solar System (2D)
CTC008 3D Solar System (3D)
CTC009 3D Solar System (3D) with textures
CTC011 3D 3D Terrain Generation with Perlin Noise
CTC012 3D The Lorenz Attractor
CTC014 PMM Recursive Fractal Trees
CTC016 PMM Fractal Trees - L-System
CTC018 3D 3D Fractal Trees
CTC020 TXL 3D Cloth with Toxiclibs
CTC024 PMM Perlin Noise Flow Field
CTC025 3D Spherical Geometry
CTC026 3D 3D Supershapes
CTC027 3D Fireworks (3D)
CTC029 PMM Smart Rockets in p5.js
CTC030 PMM Phyllotaxis
CTC032.1 PMM
CTC032.2 PMM & S/C
CTC041 SND Clappy Bird
CTC043 TRC Context-Free Grammar
CTC045 FDB Saving p5.js Drawings to Firebase
  • 3D: Not done now, because needs a 3D engine; they can be done with OpenGL/Vulkan setup (SDL, TBGRABitmap or any other OpenGl context).
  • FDB: Use Firebase and personal API key, etc.
  • PMM: Not done because Processing coordinate matrix manipulations (pushMatrix, rotate, translate, popMatrix, etc.). They change the coordinate system in a stack and apply to all points to make relative translations and rotations. Not sure how to implement it:
    • Manually tweak drawing of points and lines.
    • Maybe creating a stack of new rendering textures on pushMatrix. They can be rotated, translated and zoomed, then render in parent texture on popMatrix. But, we can't draw on negative coords
    • Or making a wrapper of all drawing function that makes all transformations before actual drawing.
    • Or, without SDL, TBGRABitmap has TBGRACanvas2D wich simulates JavaScript Canvas with rotate, scale, translate, save (pushMatrix) and restore (popMatrix). But I need to create a new engine based on TBGRABitmap (and maybe I can redo all SDL examples in TBGRABitmap too :-P ).
  • TRC: It uses tracery.js: a story-grammar generation library.
  • TXL: Use toxiclibs physics library.
  • S/C: Use of Server / Client sockets.
  • SND: Uses microphone input. CTC041 its nearly done, but I don't know how actually interpret stream data in callback function, and extract the volume as needed.

Not Skipped now:

  • TXT: Draw text with graphics.
  • EVN: Keyboard or mouse events (They were skipped before uploaded to Github).


# Name Pre-comments
CTC047 Pixel Sorting in Processing Pixels are sorted by HUE...
CTC048 White House Social Media Data Visualization JSON load, fcl-json
CTC049 Photo Mosaic with White House Social Media Images Well, I must search a free set of images
CTC050 Circle Packing
CTC051 A* Pathfinding Algorithm
CTC052 Random Walker This is an implementation form Code of the Nature book by Shiffman, CHXPas have already one Randomwalker implemented
CTC053 Random Walker with Vectors and Lévy Flight
CTC054 Islamic Star Patterns
CTC055 Mathematical Rose Patterns
CTC056 Attraction and Repulsion Forces
CTC057 Mapping Earthquake Data
CTC058 3D Earthquake Data Visualization
CTC059 Steering Behaviors
CTC060 Butterfly Generator
CTC061 Fractal Spirograph
CTC062 Plinko with Matter.js
CTC063 Texturing Cloth Simulation
CTC064 Kinematics
CTC065 Binary Tree
CTC066 JavaScript Countdown Timer
CTC067 Pong!
CTC068 Breadth-First Search
CTC069 Evolutionary Steering Behaviors
CTC070 Nearest Neighbors Recommendation Engine
CTC071 Minesweeper
CTC072 Frogger
CTC073 Acrostic
CTC074 Clock
CTC075 Wikipedia API
CTC076 10Print
CTC077 Recursion
CTC078 Simple Particle System
CTC079 Number Guessing Chatbot
CTC080 Voice Chatbot with p5.Speech
CTC081 Circle Morphing
CTC082 Image Chrome Extension - The Ex-Kitten-sion!
CTC083 Chrome Extension with p5.js Sketch - Doodle Chrome Extension
CTC084 Word Definition Chrome Extension
CTC085 The Game of Life
CTC086 Cube Wave by Bees and Bombs
CTC087 3D Knots
CTC088 Snowfall
CTC089 Langton's Ant
CTC090 Floyd-Steinberg Dithering
CTC091 Snakes & Ladders
CTC092 XOR Problem
CTC093 Double Pendulum
CTC094 2048 Sliding Puzzle Game
CTC095 Approximating the Value of Pi
CTC096 Visualizing the Digits of Pi
CTC097 The Book of Pi
CTC098 Quadtree
CTC099 Neural Network Color Predictor
CTC100 Neuroevolution Flappy Bird
CTC101 May the 4th Scrolling Text