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System Calls Table

Adam Mathlay edited this page Nov 25, 2024 · 6 revisions

System Call Table

ID (S1) System Call Name Description Argument 1 Argument 2 Argument 3 Return Value (R2) Notes
1 newFile Creates a new file (File Name) in the VFS. File Name (String pointer) - - - Throws a VM halting error if file is not found. A work around is planed
2 readFile Reads data from a file (File Name) in the VFS into memory. Returns the Address stored File Name (String pointer) - - File content pointer -
3 writeFile Writes data from File Content to a file,File Name in the VFS. File Name (String pointer) File Content (String Pointer) - Writes Length bytes. Returns an error code if the file is not found or writable.
4 listFiles Lists all files and directories in the VFS. - - - Array of names (pointer) Not yet implemented!!!!
5 deleteFile Deletes a file or directory, Path from the VFS. Path (String pointer) - - - Returns an error code if the path does not exist or if deletion fails. The order of deletion is not guaranteed.
6 exit Terminates the current process with exit code, Exit Code. Exit Code (Long) - - - this is a system-wide halt. Planed to only halt the process
7 exec Executes a new program, Program Path using the host OS. Program Path (String pointer) - - - -
8 fork Creates a child process (a copy of the current process, the MVM instance). - - - Child Process ID (Long) The child process will have a separate address space but shares the same initial code.
9 spawn Creates a new process and runs a program file, KAR Program Path. KAR Program Path (String pointer) - - Process ID (Long) The parent process continues execution concurrently with the new child process.
10 share_m Establishes a shared memory region between the current process and Wanted Process ID. Shares memory address's from Start Address to End Address Wanted Process ID (Long) Start Address (Long) End Address (Long) Shared Memory ID (Long) IMPORTANT These syscalls are being reworked and are unstable | Returns the ID of the shared memory region. Shared memory regions are managed by the kernel.
11 pause_t Pauses the specified process, Process ID. Process ID (Long) - - - IMPORTANT These syscalls are being reworked and are unstable | The process will remain paused until resumed with continue_t.
12 continue_t Resumes a paused process, Process ID. Process ID (Long) - - - IMPORTANT These syscalls are being reworked and are unstable | The process will resume execution from where it left off.
14 time Gets the current system time in milliseconds. - - - Time (Long) -
16 getpid Gets the process ID of the current process. - - - Process ID (Long) -
17 getuid Gets the user ID of the current process. - - - User ID (Long) -
18 handleSignals Registers a signal handler. When a signal is received, execution jumps to a specified line. Signal Number (Long) Jump Address (Long) - - Signal handling is performed with signals generated from the host OS. The handling of signals in this way is not guaranteed.
19 sendSignal Sends a signal to another process. Target Process ID (Long) Signal Number (Long) - - Sends a signal to the specified process. The sending and receiving of signals is not guaranteed.
24 writeIo Writes a null-terminated string to the console. String Address (String Pointer) - - - The string is printed to the console.
25 readIo Reads a line from standard input. - - - String Address (String pointer) The string is read from standard input, but it allocates memory; make sure to deallocate memory once you're done with it.
26 createArray Creates a new array. Size (Long) - - Array Address (Long) -
27 arraySet Sets an element in an array. Array Address (Long) Index (Long) Value (Long) - Performs bounds checking.
28 arrayGet Gets an element from an array. Array Address (Long) Index (Long) - Value (Long) Performs bounds checking.
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