I'm a 2024 IT Graduate / Fullstack Developer with a love for finding solutions to creative problems.
Ruby On Rails - E-Commerce Website A website created using Ruby on Rails that acts as a store front for a wrestling company that sells a variety of merchandise.
HTML/CSS - Formatted Website An html/css website with page navigation and css styled elements that serves as a simple portfolio site.
[ May 2023 - August 2023 ]
Fullstack Developer Intern
- Developed a next.js website for a startup company
- Contributed 115 times to the remote repository from June 2nd to August 4th
- Collaborated with developers to create a normalized database structure with CRUD functionality
- Reviewed code with peers to assist in debugging and troubleshooting
|| Assisted in implementing:
- passwordless login, notifications, status updates, registration, authorization, administrative restricted content
⭐ [ Septemeber 2020 - June 2024 ] Diploma in Business Information Technology | Red River College Polytechnic