This Python project utilizes MongoDB, PostgreSQL, and another PostgreSQL database hosted on Scalingo. It includes Python notebooks (.ipynb) and SQL files located at the root of the project.
- Charly Rousseau
- Vincenzo Cusma
- Flavien Lhuissier
To clone the project using Git, run:
git clone
Make sure to set the following environment variables:
# MongoDB local
MONGO_DB_USER = <user>
MONGO_DB_PASSWORD = <password>
MONGO_DB_PORT = <port>
# PostGreSQL local
# PostGreSQL x Scalingo
You'll need PyEnv for Windows.
Once installed, at the root of this project, we create a virtual python environment using the .python-version
pyenv install <version in the .python-version>
Then, create your virtual environment like this :
~/.pyenv/pyenv-win/versions/<PYTHON_VERSION>/python.exe -m venv env
This command line will create a new folder env
which will contains your virtual Python environment.
Finally, you can activate your virtual environment & install the needed dependencies like this :
source env/Script/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
To desactivate the virtual environment :
Enjoy !
You'll need PyEnv for Linux.
Once installed, at the root of this project, we create a virtual python environment using the .python-version
pyenv install <version in the .python-version>
Then, create your virtual environment like this :
~/.pyenv/versions/<PYTHON_VERSION>/bin/python -m venv env
This command line will create a new folder env
which will contains your virtual Python environment.
Finally, you can activate your virtual environment & install the needed dependencies like this :
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
To desactivate the virtual environment :
Enjoy !