Loan Prediction using Machine Learning
The idea is to build a model that will predict the loan approval of an applicant who has applied for a loan.
Based on different parameters crating a model that can classify whether an applicant Loan will Approve or Not.It is a supervised classification problem.
Dataset Features
Dataset is taken from
The following are dataset feature :
- Loan_ID : Unique Loan ID
- Gender : Male/ Female
- Married Applicant : married (Y/N)
- Dependents : Number of dependents
- Education Applicant Education : (Graduate/Under Graduate)
- Self_Employed : Self employed (Y/N)
- ApplicantIncome : Applicant income
- CoapplicantIncome : Coapplicant income
- LoanAmount : Loan amount in thousands
- Loan_Amount_Term : Term of loan in months
- Credit_History : Credit history meets guidelines
- Property_Area : Urban/ Semi Urban/ Rural
- Loan_Status : Loan approved (Y/N)
- DecisionTree Classifier
- RandomForest Classifier
- Logistic Regression