Welcome toWedding management, a management tool developed by me using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js). This tool is designed to help individuals manage their projects more efficiently and effectively.
Only authorized users can access the web app. Secure Google login integration for easy and safe sign-in. Task Details View comprehensive task details including project name, description, technologies used, and deadlines. Handle your projects with a clear view of all essential information.
Filter and organize tasks by categories, deadlines, descriptions, status, and priority. Easily find and manage tasks based on your specific needs and preferences.
Create, update, delete, and view projects. Access detailed project information including title, description, category, deadlines, and available actions.
Boards: Create new project boards, view existing boards, update board details, and delete boards that are no longer needed. Sections: Organize tasks within boards by creating sections. Update section details and delete them as required. Tasks: Add new tasks to sections, view task details, update task information, and delete tasks to keep your project board clean and relevant. Progress Monitoring Monitor project progress with intuitive dashboards and detailed reports. Receive alerts for approaching deadlines, including today's deadlines and tasks due within one week.
Contains tables to download individual reports of projects if the task status is closed. Includes a calendar to view and manage deadlines and important dates. Update user profile information such as username, password, and profile picture. Reporting and Documentation Generate comprehensive reports at the end of a project if the status is closed. Convert reports into documentation and download them for future reference. Download overall tasks for complete project documentation.
Switch between light and dark themes to suit your preference and working environment.
URL - https://weddingwise-backend-f9kh.onrender.com/signin
URL - https://weddingwise-backend-f9kh.onrender.com/signup
URL - https://weddingwise-backend-f9kh.onrender.com/about
URL - https://weddingwise-backend-f9kh.onrender.com/dashboard?tab=dashboardhome
URL - https://weddingwise-backend-f9kh.onrender.com/dashboard?tab=profile
- React JS
- Tailwind
- FlowBite
- Ant Design
- React-router-dom
- Redux
- Firebase
- React Beautiful DnD
- React Big Calendar
- jsPDF
- Axios
- File Saver
- React Circular Progressbar
- React CSV
- React Toastify
- bcryptjs
- Express
- Mongoose
- Cors