- Apache
- phpMyAdmin
- Install docker and docker-compose
git clone https://github.com/ChandanShakya/phpMyAdmin-MySQL-Docker.git
- cd phpMyAdmin-MySQL-Docker
- To start the container;
docker-compose up -d
This will spin up a container with Apache, MySQL and PHP
The persisent volume will be named mysql-test
First run will take longer as it has to fetch all images
- Put your files in /src folder; it should show up in localhost:8080
- To access phpMyAdmin, navigate to localhost:5000
open localhost:8080
docker-compose ps
docker-compose down
docker volumes ls
docker volume rm phpMyAdmin-MySQL-Docker_sql-test
# List all the images
docker image ls
# Remove the unneeded images
docker image rm namesOfImages
- MySQL password = secret
- phpMyAdmin user = root
- phpMyAdmin password = secret
- servername = mysql-server