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Releases: ChadDevOps/Marlin-Ender-3-Max

v0.6-beta Marlin Ender 3 Max

26 Nov 04:42
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Firmware for both BLTOUCH and without BLTOUCH attached.


Execute a M502 and M500 after applying the firmware. This will reset bed leveling and any other changes made.
z-offset should be tuned after applying the firmware.

Other Notes:

Happy Thanksgiving! So... my BL Touch died and I replaced it with the new CR Touch (has a metal probe). When attempting to home the printhead the probe would deploy and instantly stow rather than lowering to the build plate. The latest bugfix branch version seems to have resolved the issue (hence the update). If using the previous firmware from this repo and everything is working well, no need to update, unless there has been an update/feature since 2.0.9 that you want to utilize. Keep printing!

v0.4-beta Marlin Ender 3 Max

16 Jun 16:16
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Firmware for both BLTOUCH and without BLTOUCH attached.


  • Updated to BugFix branch 2.0.9
  • Disabled auto load of bed leveling after G28 (Make sure to have M420 S1 ; in your start code after G28)

Do a M502 and M500 after applying the firmware. This will reset bed leveling and any other changes made.
z-offset should be tuned after applying the firmware.

v0.3-beta Marlin Ender 3 Max

12 Mar 22:48
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Firmware for both BLTOUCH and without BLTOUCH attached.


  • Filament Runout Sensor - Set runout_state to LOW (tested - appears to be working now).

Do a M502 and M500 after applying the firmware. This will reset bed leveling and any other changes made.
z-offset should be tuned after applying the firmware.

Edit: March 21 2021 - Added bin file for a 3x3 probe - 9 points (to help with getting the bed leveled faster, once close to level, switch firmware back to the default for a 10x10 probe - 100 points) or the added a 12x12 bin (144point probe).

v0.2-beta Marlin Ender 3 Max w/ BLTouch

09 Mar 17:03
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  • Increased Baudrate to 250000 - Make sure you have a good cable if using octoprint.
  • Comments on ENABLE/DISABLE for BLTOUCH functions.
  • Increased max feedrate and acceleration - Printer likely can't achieve these rates, added for those wishing to test high speed prints.
  • Changed Junction Deviation to 0.1 - found this works better for the Max rather than the default 0.013
  • Enabled Filament Runout Sensor - Set runout_state to HIGH (need to test/verify)
  • Decreased max points from 12.x12 to 10x10 for bltouch probe
  • Increased minsegment time from 20000 to 50000
  • Increased block buffer size to 32
  • Increased bufsize for serial input from 4 to 32

Do a M502 and M500 after applying the firmware. This will reset bed leveling and any other changes made.
z-offset should be tuned after applying the firmware.

v0.1.3b-beta Marlin Ender 3 Max - BL-Touch

05 Mar 18:08
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Classic jerk disabled and junction deviation enabled. This is using 0.013 by default.

Do a M502 and M500 after applying the firmware.
z-offset should be tuned after applying the firmware.
Tune hotend and bed if needed.

v0.1.3-beta Marlin Ender 3 Max - BL-Touch

05 Mar 16:59
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Added in stock hotend tuned pid temps.

Do a M502 and M500 after applying the firmware.
z-offset should be tuned after applying the firmware.
Tune hotend and bed if needed.

v0.1.2-beta Marlin Ender 3 Max - BL-Touch

04 Mar 23:04
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Enabled #define BED_CENTER_AT_150_150

Hot end and z-offset should be tuned after applying the firmware.

v0.1.1-beta Marlin Ender 3 Max - BL-Touch

04 Mar 22:00
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Changed e-steps to 93. Best guess at a stock config with BL-Touch from the bugfix branch.

Note, hot end and z-offset still should be tuned after applying the firmware.

v0.1.0-beta Marlin Ender 3 Max

04 Mar 20:40
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This is the .bin file for my configuration (see commit 6550e15 ) from the Marlin bugfix branch MarlinFirmware/Marlin@fd270dd

Changes from configuration:

The NOZZLE_TO_PROBE_OFFSET has been changed to the following for this build (aprox location of bl-touch on a stock ender 3 max). You will need to set you z-probe offset on your system. Also, tune your heater pid as I am not using the stock heater. Bed PID is tuned to 90C.

#define NOZZLE_TO_PROBE_OFFSET { 50, -6, 0 }