What it does: This script saves console output to file remotely.
- make sure if you /logs/ directory is writable.
In html:
<script src="http://localhost/console/console.php?key=XYZ"></script>
Your logs will be saved in logs/XYZ.log
You can not use async
or defer
In javascript:
(function(filename, args) {
var fileref = document.createElement('script');
var params = Object.keys(args).map(function(key) {
return key + '=' + encodeURIComponent(args[key]);
args.consoleUrl || (params += '&consoleUrl=' + encodeURIComponent(filename + '?' + params) );
fileref.src=filename + '?' + params;
return fileref;
})('http://localhost/console/console.php', {
key: 'XYZ',
async: true
Which log file will be used. If not exist, /log/{$key} will be generated automaticly. Select any key, you want. Dont use special characters like /, , &, | in your key, because it is filename.
when it's "false", console.log triggers async request to console.
when it's not passed, the only way you can insert console.php to your code is: (Basic usage) When it contains console.php url, you can get the script any way, you want (Advanced usage).