These generic Statements pull together common Statements that are the foundation across numerous recipes. A blank generic Statement template can be found here.
The process of using these generic Statement templates:
- Add ticket explaining which recipe you want to add and which Statements will make it up.
- Create a feature-branch from the current master branch or dev branch for you to work in.
- Copy the generic Statement/s to the correct recipe or new recipe if required.
- Update copied generic Statement with required vocabulary and information.
- Add new vocabulary to the vocabulary page.
- Update copied generic recipe with specific examples for each of the Statement properties.
- If a Statement needs changing, check if it is already in the common Statements page, otherwise create a new one.
- Descriptions of Statement can be removed from the template once in the common Statements page.
- Once completed, update ticket for discussion at next team meeting and make a pull request.
Statement | Recipe Examples |
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