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en:class GunBase

DerpyNewbie edited this page Oct 9, 2022 · 3 revisions



GunBase declares basic data required to guns to operate nicely.


Property: Function:
WeaponName Weapon Name that can be used for printing information. e.x: "AR-15", "AK-12"
Target Transform which gets manipulated by a gun.
TargetAnimator Animator which receives Gun Animation parameters.
MainHandle Primary handle for this gun.
SubHandle Secondary handle for this gun.
CustomHandle Customizable handle (used within Gun Behaviours) for this gun.
IsPickedUp Is this gun currently picked up?
CurrentHolder Current holder of this gun.
IsLocal Is the CurrentHolder local player?
Trigger TriggerState of this gun.
State GunState of this gun.
HasBulletInChamber Has the gun bullet in chamber?
HasCocked Has the gun cocked?


Name: Description:
Shoot Shoots a bullet without any checks.
TryToShoot If the Gun was able to shoot, will shoot the bullet.
EmptyShoot Plays click sound for failed shot.
UpdatePosition Updates position and rotation according to MainHandle and SubHandle's position.
MoveTo Moves it's Gun's position and rotation to specified location.
HasNextBullet Has next bullet to load into chamber?
LoadBullet Tries to load bullet from current magazine.
EjectBullet Tries to eject bullet from chamber.

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