C. Coelho, M. F. P. Costa, and L.L. Ferrás, "A Study on Adaptive Penalty Functions in Neural ODEs for Real Systems Modeling" in Proceedings of the International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM-2023) (AIP Conference Proceedings, accepted)
This library provides a torch implementations of 3 adaptive penalty functions that can be used for training NN architectures. To learn more check the paper.
pip install PriorKnowledgeNeuralODE
- torchdiffeqq
- torch
- pandas
- numpy
- math
- matplotlib
There are 2 case study examples that use a Neural ODE to model the World Population Growth and the evolution of a Chemical Reaction available here
- --method :numerical method to solve the ODE, choices=['dopri5', 'adams']
- --data_size :number of training time steps/li>
- --test_data_size :number of testing time steps
- --niters :number of iterations to train the NN
- --test_freq :frequency to compute and print the test metrics
- --gpu :turn on/off gpu
- --adjoint :use the adjoint method to compute the gradients
- --tf :value of the last time step for training
- tf_test :value of the last time step for testing
- --savePlot :path to store the plot of the real vs predicted curves
- --saveModel :path to store the weights of the trained model
- --adaptiveFunc :choice of the adaptive penalty function choices=['self', 'lemonge', 'dynamic0', 'dynamic1']
If you found this resource useful in your research, please consider citing.
title={A Study on Adaptive Penalty Functions in Neural ODEs for Real Systems Modeling},
author={Coelho, C. and Costa, M. F. P. and Ferrás, L. L.},
journal={International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (accepted)},