Is a very complete API with many facebook features like authentication, password restauration, sending emails, friends system (follow, unfollow, friend request etc), we have a very particular posting system where we have 3 different types of posts, text post, background post and images posts, but this can be better apreciated on the front-end part of the application, we have 3 main routes which are, home, profile and friends, we have a cached history search and a dark theme, we can also react to posts and comment on them, also save or delete a post, we can only see post of our friends and or ourselves, we can upload a profile picture for our user and a cover, much as facebook does, we can unfriend people or reject friendship requests. we tested this API with postman and with a real front-end.
- JavaScript
- Node.Js
- Express
- mongoose
- bcrypt
- MongoDB
- Google OAuth
- Cloudinary
- 👤 GitHub
This demo is the final version with backend and front-end put together facebookclone demo
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- Inspiration Udemy course with Mohamed Hajji as mentor.